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Well looks like I have to go to school...
I went to school with this outfit.

 I went to school with this outfit

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And I didn't wear any makeup.

I got at school early since I left at 6. There is no Students here yet... I walked in the gates and started walking to class. Until I got hit from the back. I turned around and saw a boy.

"Sorry...I'm new here...."-chenle
"Oh it's okay do you need help?"-y/n
"Yeah I need to find the office"-chenle

We started walking then I asked.

"What's your name?"-y/n
"I'm y/n."-y/n

Chenle nodded his head. We got to the office and I waved goodbye to him. By the time I got to my class some Students were there. I just walked straight to my seat.

My bestfriend Jeno came into my classroom even thought he is a year older than me. He came to me.

"Y/n!!!!!did you hear about the new student?"-Jeno
"Yeah...I saw him this morning..."-y/n
"Why are you acting like a fangirl?"-y/n
"Well basically that boy is Really rich and famous"-Jeno
"Well aren't you famous too?"-y/n
"Yeah I know I am but he is handsome...."-Jeno
"Well your saying your not handsome?"-y/n
"I'm saying he is the most handsome in the school...he's number 1 now...."-Jeno
"Oh look it's almost time for class..."-y/n
"Okay see you later...."-Jeno said as he ruffled Y/ns hair.

The bell rang. Then classes are starting. The teacher came in with a new student.

"Please introduce yourself Chenle."-mr park
"Hi I'm Chenle. I hope to have a great year here"-chenle
"Okay Chenle you can sit at the seat next to y/n."-mr park

I looked at the empty seat beside me.
Chenle walked up and sat next to me. He smiled to me and said.

"Hi y/n"-chenle

Lunch time.

I walked to our group table. I sat their with Jeno Waiting for the other boys to come. Then the boys came.

"Oh y/n! Jeno! This is Chenle!I met him in gym. I already Introduce him to the hyungs"-jisung
"Oh...well chenle you can sit with us from now on.."-y/n said smiling

We all ate our food and they were talking about the most pretty girls and handsome boys. Then I heard one of them say my name so I stopped eating and listened.

"Chenle actually y/n noona is the prettiest girl at our school she even has the best grades in our school"-jisung

I glared at jisung as he looked at me.

"Shut up jisung..."-y/n
"But it's Tru! You see all those boys looking at you!"-jisung said pointing everywhere.

I imedeatly face Palmed myself. I excuse myself from the table. I went into the Piano room. I started playing the piano then I started to sing....

Someone came in after a while of me singing. I stopped when someone came in.

"Why did you stop was beautiful...."-chenle
" you want me to continue?"-y/n
"Yes please"-chenle

I started playing the piano again then I noticed chenle sat next to me. I started to sing then chenle closed his eyes. After a while if me singing I felt something on my shoulder. I stopped and looked at my shoulder and Chenles head was there. I kept my place.

The bell rang

"Hey Chenle wake up it's time for class"-y/n
"Let me sleep some more...."-chenle
"You don't wanna Miss class on your first day of school right?"-y/n
"Ehhh...I don't long as your here with me....."-chenle

My eyes got big when he said that.

"Just go to sleep y/n....."-chenle

I soon fell asleep too.

Jeno POV

Its time for class but y/n and Chenle hasn't came back....I'm getting worried.

"Jaemin where do you think they could be?"-Jeno
"I honestly don't know...but do you wanna go look for them?"-Jaemin
"Sure but I can go alone I don't want you to miss class."-Jeno
"Okay...make sure to tell me when you find them..if you find them.."-Jaemin

I went to look for them. I looked in y/ns class and they weren't there. I looked in jisungs class. I looked in he garden. I looked in the library. Then I had a thought. She plays piano! I ran to the piano room and saw chenle on her heart feels like it broke into a million peices.

I watced them as She fell asleep on top of his head too...... I didn't notice a tear fell out of my eye.

I whisper to myself "I guess we're not meant to be y/n...I guess we're only best friends....."

I didn't notice someone was there

"Jeno you like y/n?"-mark

I looked at mark and nodded my head.

"Yeah... But I already know she likes chenle....I have a feeling he likes her too...."-Jeno
"So your just going to give up?"-mark
"Well me and y/n has been friends for a long time and I liked her ever since we met but I always gave her hints but I guess she hasn't caught on to it yet..."-Jeno
" long have you known y/n?"-Mark
" Ever since 1st grade...."-Jeno.
"Awww.. I feel bad for you but you'll find someone...she's waiting for you..."-Mark

I nodded my head

"Well you should go back to class"-mark

I texted jaemin on the way back to class...

4 months later

Chenle is at my house with the other boys. Surprisingly we're all very rich but we don't like to show off...

"Y/n~my baby~"-chenle

I turn to chenle but he threw flower in my face. I threw flower back at him... By now chenle was chasing me.

"Ahhhh! Jeno! Help me!"-y/n
"Okay stay behind me.."-Jeno

"Hey where's y/n?"-chenle
"Ermmm....she's not here chenle"-Jeno
"I saw her here awhile ago...tell me or I'll throw this flower at you!"-chenle
"Ermmm sorry y/n!"-Jeno said as he ran off revealing me.

I gasped and Chenle was slowly walking to me. I started walking back until my back hit a wall. He looked in my eyes.

"Why do you make me feel this way y/n...."-chenle said looking straight into my eyes.
"Why do you make my heart beat faster when your around..."-y/n
"You stole my heart the very day I met you...."-chenle

I smiled at him....he looked at my lips...

he went closer...and our lips touched...

That's it this one was also sorry for not updating for a long time. I honestly was really lazy....💕💞💕💞💝💝

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