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y/n POV
My besfriend jeno has been really odd these days. These days I see him with scratches and bruises. I tend to help him out with them.

In class today I was sitting down as usual Jeno is here right now.

"Y/n!!! Jeno is fighting right now"-jaemin
"Where is he!"-y/n
"Come on y/n!!!"-jaemin

Jaemin takes me to see Jeno and Changbin arguing.

"Yah!! Jeno!!!"-y/n

*He doesn't stare at y/n*

*Jeno was about to punch Changbin*

Goes in between them and pusshes them away from each other.

"Yah you boys take Changbin with you"-y/n

Jeno stared at me. I then look at him and he turned away.

"Let's go jeno"-y/n
"Why don't you just leave me"-jeno
"Let's just treat your wounds"-y/n

We were walking to the nurse. The teacher doesn't mind since I'm the student president plus they already know why I'm not there.

I was going to clean his cut on his face. I got close to his face and I could tell he was staring at me intensively.

I was still staring at his cut and said

"Why are you staring at me like that"-y/n
"I wasn't staring at you"-jeno
"Yeah right I'll be back I need to go get the band-aid"-y/n

He just nodded his head

I went to get the bandaid then I went back.

I was going to peel the paper off the bandaid but I couldn't take it off. Jeno then grabbed the bandaid from me and peeled it off. Then he handed it back to me.

I placed the band aid on the cut near his mouth.

"Ok we're done here can you tell me why you were going to fight Changbin?"-y/n
"UHMMM I can't tell you it's not the right time yet"-Jeno

A couple days later

Y/n found out that Jeno kept getting involved into fights. She kept wondering why so she talked with some of Changbin friends.

They said that Changbin likes y/n and same for Jeno so they keep fighting.

One day at school

"Y/n!! Jeno hyung passed out"-jisung
"Omg come with me Jisung-ah"-y/n

We ran to the nurses office

I stared at Jeno

Y/n told jisung he can leave.

After he left y/n let it spill and she cried.

"Yah why do you always worry me? Huh? I like you too much right? Why do you always try to push me away? Can't you notice I like you Jeno? Just please...."-y/n

Jeno heard Everything

"Don't cry Y/n. You look horrible when you cry so don't cry"-Jeno

He sat up and hugged me

"Please don't cry because of me I don't want the love of my life crying because of me"-Jeno

"Did you hear me?"-y/n

"Yeah I love you y/n I'm pretty sure of your answer so I don't need to ask"-Jeno.


Jeno stopped hugging y/n and wiped her tears.

Then kaabooosshh

He leaned in to kiss her. They kissed.


Jisung accidentally went in to get his phone and he saw them kissing then he took a pic.

They didn't notice him enter.


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