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  (Reader P.O.V.)

 The icy wind whips through my hair as I pull my coat closer around me. The green haired male in front of me is talking about something passionately, but I'm not really listening. I'm just watching his lips move. My boyfriend is taking me on a short walk to where his throne used to sit. Now there is a giant hole in the window behind where it used to be.

 N is always so... Amazing? Charming? Child-like? Sweet? modest? There really aren't words to describe him. He is the most determined and fearless person I've ever met! I remember the day he first asked me out. He was nervous in a child-like yet kingly manner, it was so cute! 

 I start to listen to him again as he smiles and a tear slides down his face. "Farewell, my love. Until we meet again!" He bumps foreheads with me gently, gets on Reshirem, and leaves. I am in shock.

 The words I wasn't paying attention to return to me little by little. "I must find myself", "I will travel the world", "But for now I have to go", "I love you!" I fall to the ground sobbing. He didn't break up with me, but it still broke my heart. N, my N left to find himself. I understand that he needs to know who he is, but in the same sense, I don't understand why he didn't just come to me about all this. 

 I guess it doesn't matter now. He's gone. I don't know to where, I don't know how long, the only thing I know is what for. I pull my coat around me again and begin to drag myself home. It going to be a long road ahead for me, no, for us.


 Hey~ I know it's short and leaves much to be desired, but I wanted to leave some things up to your imagination. (Aka Really tired and wants to sleep) 

 Yeah, so... See ya!

I Can Show You The World (N x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now