Fourth Memory

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Fourth Memory 

Ashton got his first set of drums on his seventh birthday. It was one of those days that he would always remember clearly. An amazing day, turned terrible.


He woke up that 7th of July with a wide smile on his face, as realisation hit him; it was his birthday.


He never got much for his birthday; possibly a small toy and a homemade cake by his mother. But for him that was brilliant. The excitement of hugging his parents, sister and grandparents and having a meal with them all together was just perfect. And his mum’s cake was always just so delicious.


So he was counting down the days for his birthday for weeks before. The excitement of it all was amazing.


When his sister woke him up by opening his bedroom’s door and jumping on to his bed, kissing him on his cheeks, he giggled and squealed, his excitement bubbling inside him. Amelia had a big smile placed on her face as she led him through to the living room.


There were balloons around the room, and a happy birthday poster hanging from the ceiling. But what caught Ashton’s attention the most was the big set of drums placed in the middle of the room.


It was like everything Ashton had ever dreamt for. His parents knew perfectly that he loved playing the drums; he had started classes a few months before and was constantly tapping his fingers on any surface. It was a bit of a risk, getting him a set of drums, since he was so young and might lose interest. But his mum had a feeling that it would be worth it. So she saved for months and managed to get him a good second hand set.


For a seven year old, Ashton was quite determined and passionate. He loved the drums and just music in general. He was determined to be the best drummer he could; he wanted to be part of a band one day. He knew that studying was not his thing, for a fact. He would never be as smart as his sister.



Slowly, the day passed by. Ashton spent all his classes thinking about his set of drums. He was way too excited about it all to pay attention in class time. He knew it was going to be an amazing birthday.


Luke and Stella were going to go with him back to his house to have lunch. He had never had friends over to his house, so it was a big thing for him. Stella, Luke and Ashton seemed to be inseparable. The two were his only friends, and he was so grateful to have them.


So when the last bell rang, notifying the school that it was time to go home, Ashton, Luke and Stella left their classroom and waited at the gate of the school for Amelia. The school was not that far from their street, so they always walked home on their own. Amelia was 11 after-all, she was old enough to take care of them.


They all enjoyed a peaceful lunch that afternoon and then Ashton and his two friends went to play in his room. He felt so happy. He had never been allowed to bring his friends over, and having them there was great. Because, really, he had been over to their houses many times. It was his turn.


But it was when they left that everything went downhill. His perfect birthday was ruined. No matter how much joy his drums had given him, nothing could calm him that evening. Apart from his sister, of course.


Ashton was playing his drums that he had fit in his room. It did not sound too good, but he was not giving up. He was determined to do it perfectly.


When he glanced at the clock on his bedside table, he realized just how late it was. So he set down his drumsticks on his shelf, yawning. He didn’t even realize just how tired he was.


Standing there in his room, the quiet still air was thick. And then is when he heard it for the first time. Their shouts.


He furrowed his eyebrows in complete confusion. Why were his parents’ voices so raised? Usually they were both quite quiet late at night…


Ashton had never ever heard his parents fight, so he was scared and upset. He opened his bedroom door, and quietly walked through the hallway towards the living room. He peaked round the door, squinting at the dim light in the room.


Both his parents were standing up, glaring at each other. It wasn’t long before they started shouting at each other, not even realising that their youngest child was staring open-mouthed at the scene.


Tears trickled down his small and pale face, wetting his cheeks. He didn’t want to be heard, so he chose a moment to run back to his room. He banged the door closed, and jumped in to his bed, crying. He was scared.


What was happening?


Why were they fighting?


Was it his fault?


All those thoughts were swimming around his mind. He felt dizzy.


He then heard the door to his room creak open. He did not look up.


“Ash?” Amelia’s sweet voice was audible over their parent’s loud shouts in the next room. They were not getting any quieter at all.


Ash turned over on his bed and sat up, rubbing his eyes. His sister was very pale. She also looked scared, and confused.


Quickly, she walked over to Ash’s bed, pulling him into a big and tight hug. She put him on his lap and quietly played with his curly-ish golden hair. He cried as she muttered comforting words.


After a while the siblings fell asleep in each other’s arms, giving the other one all the company and comfort they needed.

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