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" Come on (y/n), we have to put the furniture up! Stop being lazy, and get your ass up! " (f/n) says annoyed " Ugh, but I am soooooo tired from the flight. Do I have to? " You mumble tiredly. " Yes, I am not gonna do it by myself...and this furniture is damn well not gonna move it self "(f/n) says angrily. " Come on...aren't you tired? " " I am...but still, we have to (y/n) " " Okay, but can't we go to the nearest coffee shop or something so we aren't as tired? " I say, hoping to get something in me ( not like that ya nasty! ). " Fine... " they say, like an annoyed mother. " Yay! " you scream like a five year old, who has just gotten candy.

* Le Time Skip*

" Okay, (y/n) what do you want? " (f/n) says, still kind of annoyed. " I would like (your choice) " you say happily, smiling like there is no tomorrow. " Okay. " wait how are we gonna pay? I think to myself, I pull (f/n) to the side before she ordered anything. " How are we gonna pay? We don't have pounds...we only have American dollars. " you say worrily " Oh yeah, you are this is why we needed to sta- " suddenly a man, about your age walks up to you. " Hi, are you having trouble with something? Can I do anything to help? " he has pale skin, blue eyes that are like the sky, and hair as black as coal. " My name is Phil, by the way. " all you can manage to say is, " Umm.. " you must sound so stupid to him, he must think you are crazy. Finally (f/n) says " Um, yes we aren't from here. We moved here from America and we don't have any money. " you look at (f/n) with a face that says, " thank you ". " Oh, I could help you with that. What would you both like? I will pay for it. " so you both tell him what you would like and y'all go up to the register. The cashier looks you up and down, " Hello, and what can I get for you today, babe? Along with your number... " Phil looks at me and sees that I am scared. " Um, excuse me mate. This is my girlfriend, don't talk to get like that. You will not be getting her number, only our order. " you look at Phil with the, " thank you " look.

*Time skip to the table *

" Thanks Phil, you didn't have to do that ya know " I could feel my face get hot. " I didn't want you to be scared like that, even if I didn't meet you 10 minutes ago I still would have done that. Because, it is my job to save people when they need it. Everyone should do that, in a situation like that " I can't help but stare into his eyes, they are so beautiful. (f/n) comes back with the drinks, " That guy at the cash register needs to be fired, that was such an awful pick up line...oh yeah, and for harrasing the customers too, I guess. Haha " you and Phil giggle at their stupid sense of humor.

Heyyy wassup! I just wanted to say, thank you for reading this. It I my first time writing a fan fiction...does it show? Anyway, I am working in the next one right now. I won't leave you in suspense.

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