What are we? Pt.2

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But what are we now? Girlfriend and Boyfriend? Friends with benefits? Bets friends who have just kissed? What are we?

He smiled at me, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in a long time. I want to just stay here...right here, just me and him on top of this ferris wheel. But I had to ask the question

Here it goes

"Yes, Y/N?"
"What are WE"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, what are WE? Are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Or best friends that have just kissed?"
"I don't know...what do you think we are?"
"I don't know..that's why I asked you. I mean we have kissed, and we like each other..right?"
"Do you like me Y/N?"

Seriously? He just asked me that after I kissed him give billion times?

"Nah...I just because..*cough* hint the sarcasm *cough*"
"So you do like me?"
"Yes! For the love of god Yes! I don't like you Phil Lester, I love you! "
"I love you too, Y/N "
And then he kissed me on the forehead. It feels amazing(Phil..sorry I had to 😂) to know he feels the same way, I wish he would have told me sooner.

We got off the ferris wheel and we were holding hand, and Dan looked at us with a questioned look.

"What happened up there? Are y'all married? Are y'all gonna have kiddos? Can I babysit them? ARE YOU GETTING A DOG?! CAN I PLAY WITH IT-"
"DAN! Nobody is getting married"
"Damn it...I wanted to play with y'alls dog.."

Of course that is the only thing Dan cares about...this man, I swear to god...

"Ooh! Look there is that spinny ride where you feel like you are going to throw up after riding It! Can we go on that?!", Phil asked quite excited.
"No Phil, we don't need you throwing up anymore..."
"Let's find something else to do..."


Hey guys I am so sorry for not updating any of my stories in A long time, I have had writers block for the part 2-3 weeks. I hope you will forgive me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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