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I woke up, I was surprised to see it wasn't my room I woke up least I don't think it is, did I finally get to finishing my room-AHH! There is a man beside me! Oh yeah, I am at Phil's house. Oh yeah, he is sick...poor Philly. Oooh! I will make him breakfast in bed!

I am really sleepy, is there anybody else awake? " OW! " well that answered my question real quick!  " Oh, sorry Y/N ", Dan said looking down at me, " I didn't see you there, what is the weather  like down there? haha! " he teased at my height. Oh two can play at that game " What? Sorry I can't hear you! Your head is so high in the clouds tha- " " Okay, fine you win.. "

why are they called heels if you are standing on your toe- " OUCH! What the- there is a glass door and nobody told me? I am a klutz, I will literally die in this house...and that is the second time I have gotten hurt in a minute what is gonna happen next? A witch will appear? Never mind! I don't want to jinx myself! I TAKE IT BACK! "


" Philly are you awake? ", I peek my head at the angel still asleep on the bed. Aww he is so cute in his sleep, I look like a pig.. I run my hands through Phil's hair to wake him up. " Wha-oh hey Y/N..good morning " he said with a sleepy and sick tone. " Aw, you look so pale and your lips and mouth are dry. Do you know what could have gotten you sick? ", he shook his head no. " Well, I made you some breakfast in bed. I will help you eat, you don't have to do anything but chew and swallow. " Okay, thank you. I really appreciate you doing this for me, I truly am grateful. You are a great person Y/N, thank you for helping my sickness even though it might mean you getting sick. ", I looked at him in awe of how nice he is. " You are more than welcome my little lion, and if I get sick we can be sick together. "

My Little Lion ( AmazingPhil X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now