Netflix and Phil ( haha, Jk )

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Phil goes to get some snacks and drinks from the kitchen. We decided on watching The Lion King ( Fun Fact: I love the movie The Lion King, it is one of my favorite movies. Scar is the reason I almost became a furry, just kidding. But I am not shaming anybody who is a furry ) " No one saying ' do this '! ", Dan sings. " No one saying ' be there '! ", Phil sings. " No one saying ' Stop that '! ", Dan sings. " No one saying ' See heeeeeeere '! " I sing. ( fast forward through the song a little bit ) " Oh I just can't wait to be king! ", Phil sings. " Oh I just can't wait to be king! ", Dan sings. " Oh I just can't waaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiit, to be kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! ", I sing.

( there you go, just because I know you want to hear it now )  " Wow, (y/n) you have such an amazing voice! " Dan says, Phil nods his head in agreement. " You should think about making covers of Disney sings or something, you seem to really like Disney. You are literally wearing a My Little Mermaid shirt with a Lion King hoodie/jacket that says Hakuna Matata on the back and socks with Pumba and Timone on them. " Dan says, and Phil giggles at his statement. " I guess I am, kind of a Disney nerd...but I have never really thought of doing that. ", I say honestly. " Well you should. ", Phil's says. I yawn, " Awwww, is the baby tired? " Dan says, like he is talking to a puppy. " Shut up, Howell...and yes I am tired... ". " You can sleep here (y/n), it is alright with us. You can just wear one I my big t-shirts to bed. ", Phil says sweetly. " Okay, thank you Phil! " I say giving him a big hug. " No problem, my closet it over there ". I go to the bathroom to change, I am now just in a t-shirt with nothing on under but a bra and underwear. I go out and Phil has changed too, into emoji pjs, he looks cute in them. I get into the bed with Phil, and he says, " That shirt looks really cute on you, you can keep it " and pushed the hair out of my face. " Really? I can keep it? Thank you Phil! " I give him another huge bear hug. Then I fall asleep, to Phil's slow heart beat, as he pulls me closer towards his warmth.

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