My little lion

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I wake up to the smell of coffee, I notice I feel colder than I did earlier. Oh yeah, I slept with Phil last night...he must of gotten up to go make himself some coffee. I look at the time 2 in the morning...WHAT THE HELL?! I go to the kitchen, and see Phil over the trashcan he doesn't look to well. I turn off the coffee machine, because he doesn't look like he is gonna be able to drink it right now. " Phil, are you okay? " I say, walking a little closer to him. " No...I- " then he threw up in the trash can. I walked over to him, barely any space between us at all. I put my hand in his back, and made little circles with my fingers. He stopped throwing up, for now so I put his arm around my shoulders and helped him back to the room. I brought the trash can from the bathroom by the bed, just incase he threw up again. " What happened, why did you get up...and why was the coffee machine on Philly? ", I said sweetly, running my fingers through his messy black hair. " I woke up to go to the bathroom, and I started to throw up. The first thing I thought when I stopped throwing up the first time, was ' I need something in my stomach now, I just threw everything up '. So I went to the kitchen, and found the least noisy thing I could find. So I wouldn't wake you up, I knew I wasn't gonna wake Dan up, he is a heavy sleeper. But then, I started throwing up again and then you came down because I woke you up ". I felt so bad for him, I need to find him some medicine. " Hey Philly, I am gonna go get you some medicine. Where is your medicine? " I asked in the quietest, sweetest way possible. He told me where it was, so I went to go get it. I came back, and he was throwing up again. Luckily it was in the trashcan, and not on himself. When he finally stopped throwing up, I have him the medicine that should stop making him throw up. " Thank you so much (y/n), you are the best ", he said sounding like it hurt to speak. " No problem, I would always help a friend in need ", I said giving him a kiss on the forehead. I noticed he made it in the trashcan, but still got some on himself. " Hey Philly, you may have sicked up on your shirt a little bit hun. Hold on, lift your arms up. ". He did as I told him, and lifted his arms up. I helped him get his shirt off, and get it changed. " Once again, thanks for doing this for me. You are honestly, one of the greatest friends I have ever had ", he said sweetly to me. " Anything for my little lion ".

My Little Lion ( AmazingPhil X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now