The flat

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Phil, (f/n), and I are walking to Phil's flat. The way seems awfully familiar, oh! That is why, the flat he lives in is right next to ours! " Hey, Phil your flat is right next to ours! " I say, and smile ear to ear. " That is great! " he says smiling too, man his smile is so beautiful, and the way he sticks his tongue out the little gap of his teeth is so cu- "WAIT! (Y/N) STOP! YOU JUST MET HIM." " So, what do you want to do (y/n), and (f/n)? We can watch some T.V, or a movie...WAIT! One second, let me introduce you both to my best friend. I'll be back " he says in a terminator voice, " Oh my lord, he is such a nerd. Haha! " (f/n) says " But it is cute... " I say without thinking. " What? " I feel my face get hot, " I'm I said, yeah he should go mute... " what the hell did I just say, they aren't gonna believe that is what I said!
" Oh, okay. I thought you said he was cute, I was like ' Ummm... ' " you gave up on trying. " That is what I said...I did say he was cute. I don't know why he sticks out from the crowd of people I have met, but he does. " you say, Phil comes back down with his friend. " Hi guys, meet Dan. " his friend is just a little bit taller than he is, and he has curly brown hair, with dark brown eyes. He is pretty, yes guys can be pretty. " Hello Dan, nice to meet you. I am (y/n). " I say going on for a hand shake, but he gives me a hug instead. Perfectly fine with me, I love hugs. He is so warm, and he smells really nice. " Hello, (y/n) " he says into your neck, and rubbing your back gently. " I don't feel well, (y/n) I am gonna go back to the flat. Okay? " Oh, come on (f/n) you can't do this. Not right now, I hate being around boys alone! " Okay " is all I manage to say, although I  don't want her to go. " Bye guys, sorry I couldn't stay longer. I just don't feel well, it was probably the coffee but my stomach wrong. I will be okay, you can stay here (y/n) I will be fine " they say " Oh, okay. Love you bye " Oh no.

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