1. Waiting

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Hello, um this is my first story so I really hope you enjoy it. It may not be very long, but I try my best. Tank you ;)


"Next!" Paul snapped to the following fan in line to meet One Direction. He watched each of them carefully- as their tour manager and bodyguard, he had to make sure the British-Irish band was safe.

You'd think the fans would be upset, but they didn't mind. With signings and meet and greets, you only have moments to bask in their presence before having to leave the area and continue with your life.

"Oh, look, it's Paul," One of my older sisters, Nicole, said. "It's actually kind of weird going from fangirling at home to actually meeting the gods that are One Direction.'"

Meanwhile, Clare, the middle sister of the three of us, had been keeping calm until she saw the boys' faces in the distance. Immediately, she began fangirling with the rest of the girls in line, forcing Nicole, to step up and use her magic.

"You know- and this is a fact- that they don't like it when girls fangirl," She said, using her best American accent around the word fangirl. "Stay calm."

Though her tone was parental, I knew Nikki didn't blame us. Being from London, life had been simple until One Direction appeared on the X Factor. From that moment on, posters were seen through windows and girls from 12-19 continually had them as one of their topics to chat aboout.

"Well," Clare began. "Psh, now I am, but I promise I'll be calm and normal and completely non-mental from now on, unlike Hazell..."

I scoffed a bit, offended. I decided to speak up. "I'll be calm- especially around the boys. Come off it; why wouldn't I be?"

"Because they're extremely famous, insanely handsome, and a certain curly-haired boy makes your knees go weak." I stayed strong; Nicole always finds a way to make me nervous about everything, but not this time. I won't let her.

"I bet 10 pounds you'll have a complete panic moment around Harry." Clare said breaking the mini-arguement as the line moved foward and we got closer.

Thinking about what I could buy with 10 pounds, I gladly accepted. Then it hit me- would I be able to prevent a scene in front of the Harry Styles? Those curls and green eyes.. I've never been so attracted to someone.. and in a few minutes I'll meet them.

"Next!" Paul's voice boomed in my ear for we were next to see One Direction. Clare and Nicole grabbed my hands and dragged me in to see five pairs of clear eyes.


Will upload some more soon. :) xx - Itzi

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