It - Georgie is home

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It had been one month since Georgie had gone missing and Bill was devastated . Unable to get out of bed, an emotional wreck , traumatized by the thought of his brothers innocent smile flashing at him as he made his boat . His eyes twinkling with excitement to play with it and the image of his yellow jacket running down the street up joyfully implanted into his head . He had to get outside he couldn't keep living in fear of a storm . He went to town where the loser squad normally hung out and as if by magic his favourite asshole Richie Tozier stood making sex jokes about Eddie's mum .
" Hey a...a... asshole what..tcha doing" stuttered Bill
"Fucking Eddie's mum " replied Richie sarcastically " Hey haven't seen you in a month what you been doing?"
"G..G... Georgie'"
" What about Georgie ?"
" He ... He ... He is missing"
" Shit ! since when I saw him yesterday"
" By the sewers I called out for him but no reply then I heard a bang from my side I looked . nothing . I looked back and he was gone."
Bill ran faster than hell he hightailed to the sewers closely followed by an unathletic Richie . As they reached the sewers they saw him . Georgie stood there holding a balloon .Bill ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug he'd ever gave . But Georgie turned around and morphed into penny-wise ,a mortified, demented clown that shivers at the thought of its own name .
He opened his mouth and chomped on his head , bones crushing under the pressure of his blood curdling teeth , blood squirting out staining the mouldy sewer walls . It left Bill slowly bleeding to death in agonising pain holding onto a red balloon saying the same morbid words " we all float down here" " we all float down here " .But it wasn't over it ran at Richie and grabbed his leg biting it off viciously . Richie attempted to crawl away but it was to late . Pennywise dragged the boys deep into the sewers there last words echoing out like forbidden ghosts " we all float down here " ...

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