Welcome to hell

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The wheelers had decided to take a holiday to get away from the stress. They went on a road trip to Derry to stay with Karen's friend.
"Do I have to I could stay with Mrs Byer ?"
"No Michael you'll have fun I promise she has a boy your age too "
"Fine but I don't want to"
" Get in the the car Michael"
After a long painful car journey they arrived in Derry.
"Hi my name's Richie welcome to my slice of hell " stated his moms friends kid
"This is Bill , Eddie and Stan"
"I'm just going to grab my coat i'll catch you up"
"Ok see you Mike"
Mike knew his way around as the family visited a lot. He grabbed his coat and started to walk back but then he saw a balloon . He was drawn to it like mosquito to a light. He followed it round the corner and heard a scream . It was el . He saw her being dragged away by Brenner so he ran and ran and ran faster than the speed of light . Turning corner after corner street after street until a dead end by a storm drain he saw el faced away crying he ran up to her squeezing her tight. But clowns are deceitful .

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