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It was five o' clock by the time Rainbow had cleared her mind of the thoughts that had so nearly threatened to consume her. She didn't know where she should go, but she was going regardless. Her saddlebags were packed hastily; probably forgetting a couple necessities here and there, but mostly acceptable. It was stupid of her, she knew, to not bring many Bits. She knew she probably could have gotten away with stealing her parents' cash, but she just couldn't.

"You're leaving because you're a burden. You don't give the mouse the cheese before the trap deploys." She muttered under her breath.

Rainbow looked out the large window to her room. It was nearing half past, and she needed to depart soon to avoid unnecessary tension.

Mom and Dad...

Guilt stabbed through her heart like a garden fork. Was she supposed to say goodbye? To the two ponies who could've done so much more?

What a fragile little pony, too selfish to bring herself pain to help others...

An idea came to her as her gaze rested on the mess in the floor. It ashamed her to see another problem she caused so carelessly, but if she took the time to clean it, she'd be caught, and somehow guilted into staying. She scanned the scene at the foot of her bed, chose a candidate, and picked up her new," quill ", with her mouth. The point oozed, and she could taste the iron in her blood.

'You know what? No. They don't deserve an explanation. For all I care, let them both rot in Hell.'

Dropping the quill onto the reddened patch of floor, she glanced into the mirror at her reflection. Her coat had been stained with occasional spots of ruby, clashing distinctly; almost pleasant a pleasant sight.

These new thoughts and feelings were so strange for her, she nearly threw her head back and laughed. The aftermath of the panic attack also did wonders to her mane and tail, and, with a logical break in her mind, she needed it to be changed.

There was no helping it now; she had never wanted to alter the bright flashes of color, so it's not like she had hair dye just lying around.

Her mane was the thing that made others look twice, it helped her stand out of the crowd. But she didn't want that anymore.

Trotting nervously to the window, Rainbow looked out to the clouds, attempting to picture them as anything other than home.

She took one last look around her room. Everything was the same as usual.

Nothing worth remembering.

Did this make her heartless? To look back and not appreciate any of it?

She wouldn't have to wait long before realizing how many damns she truly didn't give. The time had come for her to start life anew.

Unsealing the latch to her window, she slid the panel up. A morning breeze filled her nostrils, calming her as she closed her eyes and breathed. The cloud layer that supported the city was thrown into darkness with the slow rising of the early sun. Praise Celestia the weather was planned to be nice and dry today.

Maybe you're a never-ending issue. Wherever you go now, perhaps all their lives will be ruined, too.

"Truly goes without saying."

So you are perfectly content flying around, ruining lives from place to place wherever you go, like a disease? Are you proud of yourself?


And with that simple response, she jumped cleanly through her bedroom window.

Bruised Apples, Lightning StormsWhere stories live. Discover now