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The alluring scent of earth and the natural light provided calm after the haze that was ten minutes ago. Wind sighed, playing with my mane and nearly knocking off AJ's cowgirl hat before the owner places a defensive hoof atop it just in time, then resumes her previous relaxation.

She had splayed herself out quite luxuriously, crossing her legs, forehooves resting behind her head, staring up at the sky. A small smile was barely visible on the tanned mare's face.

"AJ, what are you doing? You look a lot more, uh, happy than normal."

She sighed, not in frustration, but contentment. "It's this thing called cloud gazing. You lay on your back and watch for patterns in the clouds, pointing out the unintended shapes that resemble real-life objects."

I narrowed my eyes, glancing between AJ and the sky, still not getting the attraction. "If it's a shaped cloud you wanted, shouldn't I just go up there and make one for you?" I reasoned. It was a much easier solution, and she could have any shape she pleased.

Shaking her head, the orange pony in the grass got up and walked to me, standing inches from where I sat.

I had been sitting farther away from her than would've been natural, but I needed some physical space between us after I had 'shocked' her earlier. It was just a conscious reminder to myself to not do anything so risky again, to keep some distance after making such a trivial mistake.

Apparently, AJ had other plans. Grabbing my hoof, she jerked me to a standing position, then proceeded to drag me over to where she was sprawled seconds ago. Laying down, she motioned for me to join her. I raised an eyebrow.

"You're not gonna see what I mean unless you experience it yourself."

That did make sense. Mimicking her comfy position on the green, I let my eyes travel across the sky. There were clouds in different forms and sizes, but the appeal was limited. I couldn't picture any object I'd ever seen in these clouds, but kept quiet. If she was having fun, so was I.

"Okay Rainbow, try this. Point to a cloud."

How did she know I hadn't gotten it? Mildly enamored, I directed my left hoof to a smaller, mistier puff.

"Ooh, good choice. That looks kinda like a...dragon head."

My eyes widened, thinking of the assorted tales and legends of dragons I'd heard and read, not seeing it in the slightest.

"Don't relate it to the things you remember. Try and use it as an artist, one who can only work with cloud. You're given that canvas to work on, making it better and sharper, but still a cloud. Now, what does it look like?"

"A dragon head, clearly-"

I stopped, not believing. In a few words, I could now see a mental picture portrait, where at first I saw nothing. Turning to stare in awe at AJ, I watched as she snickered, gazing at me like a proud teacher would.

"I knew you could do it! Who am I kiddin', of course you could. I would've expected nothing less."

Beaming, I pointed to another cloud. She contemplated, then grinned.

"That appears to be a lemon. What do you think, in your professional opinion?"

Scrunching my eyes closed, I bit my lip. The image formed, and I nodded vigorously, making Applejack snort with laughter.

We continued this for several more minutes, until it was hardly a challenge, both of us giggling ourselves into a satisfying silence, still on the floor and gazing into the unending blue heavens above.

Bruised Apples, Lightning StormsWhere stories live. Discover now