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The walk into Ponyville the next morning was more pleasant than the first. Less ponies had the audacity to stare at my wings, and I smiled at the few who recognized us from the previous visit.

"Ah still don't see why you had to wear those."

AJ scrutinized the artificial ocean blue invading my irises, scrunching her nose. That morning I had seen an array of colorful contact lenses and immediately asked to try some: A pair of . Much to her annoyance. "It ain't like you have anything to hide, your regular color is incredible."

I smiled warmly, making a point to stare into her bright green eyes while speaking. "Maybe, but why do you wear those even if I think your natural color is pretty?"

AJ glanced down and bit her bottom lip, and I watched in exasperation her ears burned then faded, like a failed attempt at lighting a candle with a broken lighter. She seriously has to have caught something, I hope she's okay.

"Point taken, it's not a big deal. For now, it's time to arrange a deal with the Princess." She nodded, taking in our approaching destination.

The large palace resembled one of the trees I had come to know and love, except made of crystal. A blue trunk supported the purple base in which, undoubtedly, held the princess. Highlights of pink, yellow, white, and lavender hung off a balcony in strings, the recurring gold accents such as the staircase and railings gleaming in the sunlight.

Our hoofsteps clinked on the ascent towards the humongous castle doors, the staircase sparkling with cleanliness and polish. Doubt crept into my mind as we stood, collecting ourselves.

AJ questioned my anxious silence. "Are you really that nervous?"

I shrugged, rubbing my leg subconsciously. "Well, she is royalty..."

"So what? She's the leader of everything harmony."

"I know that, but what if she doesn't let us use her libraries, or kicks us out after realizing what we are?" I shook. Her expression melted, no longer stoical.

"Trust me Rainbow. I've heard more stories about Twilight than is strictly necessary from a certain baker, and she sounds right lovely. We, more importantly you, shouldn't be worried." She confirmed, raising a hoof and knocking on the door with confidence.

Though her chilly image barely wavered, I knew she was trying to comfort me in her own way, finding logic in the situation. And as the door opened, I realized how much less nervous I was.

A small purple dragon, about half as tall as AJ, held the left door open a crack, just enough to display himself. His stance was protective, like he was guarding the entrance from nosy tourists, which, come to think of it, he definitely was.

His solid demeanor dropped as he registered our lack of cameras and Haywaiin shirts, but I didn't miss the curious glance at my wings. Still, he opened the door much wider, no longer attempting to block our view of the inside.

"Thank Celestia, you're just normal ponies. Is there a problem?" He greeted, smiling widely at the pair of us.

I shrugged. "Sort of. Could we maybe do some research in the castle libraries?"

His kind face faltered. "Um, sorry, but I don't think I could let you in there. That place is Twilight's world, if something happened to it right after the last time- I mean, I just can't, really."

"Oh really now?" AJ returned, speaking strangely kindly, her face dangerous. "We wouldn't want to worry you about it." Though her tone remained friendly, her eyes narrowed, putting him on the spot.

Bruised Apples, Lightning StormsWhere stories live. Discover now