Pursuit of Curiosity

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Eventually I felt Rainbow hover next to my ear, calm and collected during my panic. Though I was blatantly taller, I had went under for the hug, so she was discreet as she whispered comfort and affirmation.

"Shh, Applejack it's okay. You didn't know anything, I'm not mad at all." She soothed, rubbing circles into my back.

I clutched harder; why didn't she blame me?

Noticing the increased pressure, Rainbow held me closer, resting her head on top of mine, tickling my ear with each gentle breath. Her thin torso warm and fluffy, heart beating like a melody. I sigh, entirely relaxed.

Several moments later, she shifted to look me in the eyes, caution lacing her words.

"Are you okay to let go now?"

I hesitated, then nodded. Not that I remotely wanted to move, but I didn't want either of them to feel awkward.

Oh god dammit, Pinkie saw that whole thing. It was serious now, but later this was going to mean loads of taunting.

Rainbow smiled down. "I don't think you're okay, I think you're considerate."

My stupid ears decided to burn, and I could see the smile brighten. Setting me down, we strode back to the table where Pinkie sat, waiting respectfully.

As we settled back down, I knew I had to apologize. But the second I opened my mouth to comply, Rainbow interlaced her left hoof with my right under the table, and any thought of speaking vanished instantly.

Laying my head in my elbow on the table, I allowed the others to speak, noticing how exhausted I'd become. I was only braced to reality by her light blue hoof intertwined with my darker orange one.

Rainbow stared at Pinkie, expression ruled by calm curiosity. "What is the curse called?"

I interjected despite my wish to stay mostly out of it. "She couldn't tell you even if she tried. The name is Borderline Disorder, but it's only revealed to victims. Celestia knows what Pinkie just heard instead."

"Your voice kinda like, stopped for a second. Must be part of the magic." Pinkie pondered, certifying my statement with a nod, then turning back to Rainbow. "The reason for the curse is unknown. Some ponies say it's to save ponies in mortal danger, others think it's to save the public from a dangerous individual, giving them a new life perspective. The more negative ponies think...it's to get the bad ponies to off themselves quicker."

I growled into the table, face now completely hidden. "They're probably right. One of the main side effects is unidentified mental projection; influence, in other words. Today you could be happy as rain, tomorrow you're seeing images of nooses and hearin' voices that aren't the normal kind. It's basically a self-destruct tactic, gettin' the individual's physicality to wreck on a premature basis before the soul deteriorates."

The two stared at me with slackened jaws, and I puffed up at once. "What? I've gone through it. I can fill in the blanks even if I've never done any proper research." I defend.

"You're just always so articulate, even if you don't know much about the subject." Rainbow lulled, making me hide back into my elbow on the table, shifting away to hide my smile.

Rainbow sat in thought for a moment. "So, the reason you were upset is because you thought me knowing the severity of the disorder would make me, um, throw in the towel that much quicker?" She asked, not attempting to make eye contact.

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