Ignorance is Bliss

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In minutes, we had approached the hot pink parlor doors of Sugarcube Corner, pausing just to catch our breath from the fairly-long walk to the bakery. Rainbow marveled at the cookie-inspired architecture.

"Is this the tourist place? Equestria's largest gingerbread house?"

I shook my head, smiling. "Nope. I've an old friend who lives and works here. She's...sorta eccentric, but nothin' harmful."

"That's a sketchy way to describe a friend." Rainbow pointed out with raised eyebrows.

"You'll understand in a second. It doesn't take long to see how easily rules will bend to her whim."

Rainbow still seemed mildly concerned, but said nothing. Taking a deep breath, I opened the doors for the pair of us to enter the building.

The smell of sugar slapped us with the first step into the shop, provided by treats of all variations: Cupcakes, doughnuts and cookies are lined neatly in the glass casings, ordered and managed thoroughly, giving the establishment an edge of professionalism as well as taste. It's exactly as I remembered it, other than the clear organizational improvement.

A particular scent of rich chocolate arose as, from the back door leading to the kitchen, a bubbly pink pony emerges holding a tray of piping-hot brownies on top of their head.

Her eyes are closed, nose crinkled, humming a song and smiling widely, beginning to fill a piping bag, back turned to the two of us.

Poking Rainbow in the the ribs, I cupped a hoof to whisper in her ear, quiet as not to inform the baker of our presence.

"Watch this."

She grinned, stepping back and observing with bated breath.

I cleared my throat, breaking the pink pony's concentration, satisfied to see her tense up, recognizing my low growl.

Time to work some magic.

"Your menu is the exact same as always. No cookie nor cake recipe has been changed.

Now, you are making brownies, something you have never sold in the entirety of your career at Sugarcube Corner. Of course, all of Ponyville shops for their preferred confections here. But where is the shop to go for brownies? Doesn't matter, as they are the most personal thing you've ever baked, and will only ever grace but one other pony's lips.

Why are they so personal to you? It's because for the majority of your life, brownies were impossible: No instructions, recipes or advice would work, and you figured them a lost cause.

Until somepony helped you. A lifelong dream, achieved at last. It takes no concentration anymore, having memorized the technique; we literally just saw you make them with your eyes closed.

Suddenly, you never see them the same. They unintentionally became linked as items you have craved for a lifetime, and finally just within reach.

Both of us are aware of who the teacher is; somepony much more exclusive than a dessert item. Rejection from the individual that you as well as the rest of Equestria thinks highly of would be soul wrenching. The idea of it scares you to death, the fear pushing you from pursuing the risk.

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