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    Please don't comment stuff like "omggggg warriors don't do that this is so unrealistic!" Because I wrote this with my friends who don't know much about Warriors :')
     Silverpelt gleamed over Foxpool's head, each warrior of StarClan getting ready to get tucked in for a good night's sleep. Not NightClan, though. Foxpool was getting ready to go out to collect some herbs.
     "Be careful!" Turtlestar called, gently wiping one paw across her ears. "I will," Foxpool promised to her friend.
    It was chilly that night, and Foxpool shivered as freezing wind buffeted her fur. But she kept on going. Then the scent of catmint reached the young medicine cat's nose. Foxpool followed the strong scent, and then found herself by the stream. A patch of fresh catmint lay directly under the moonlight, almost sparkling.
     Foxpool breathed in the fresh smell of the catmint mixed with the scent of the night air. Night. It was the only time Foxpool really felt alive.
     By the time she got back to camp with a wad of catmint in her jaws, Foxpool decided to go on a night walk with Turtlestar. She trotted up to her leader's den, waiting for an invitation to come in. But no sound came. "Turtlestar?" Foxpool asked, peeking into the cave den. "Oh, sorry Foxpool," Turtlestar mumbled, giving her chest a few embarrassed licks. "I was just thinking. Now what do you want?"
     "I'd like to go on a night walk with you, if that's okay."
Turtlestar blinked in surprise. "Of course I'd go on a walk with you!" she purred, nudging Foxpool playfully. The two friends padded out of camp, their spirits, and tails, high in the air.
     Foxpool relaxed as wet, cold dew soaked into her paw fur. "I love this time of night," Foxpool told Turtlestar, who was poking at a stick. "Huh? Oh, yeah. It's very pretty."
     Foxpool let out a mrrow of amusement. That was her old friend Turtlestar all right. Turtlestar smiled. Foxpool stared up at Silverpelt, gazing at all the beautiful starry warriors that shined up above them. It was so beautiful.
     Foxpool lay her head down on the wet grass, and closed her eyes. Soon, she fell asleep.

     "Foxpool!" Turtlestar's mew woke up the sleeping medicine cat. "Huh?" Foxpool asked. Then suddenly Turtlestar looked very guilty. "I'm sorry I woke you up," she mewed like a new apprentice. Foxpool licked her friend's shoulder. "It's fine," she purred. Turtlestar let out a sigh of relief and padded towards camp.
     New dawn light warmed up Foxpool's pelt, but she did not feel happy. She had wanted that beautiful night to last forever, but she knew that would never happen.

     When she got back to camp, Foxpool began sorting out her herbs. "Now let's see . . ." she mumbled to herself. "Tansy goes here, and chervil root over here . . ."
     "Foxpool?" a strong voice came from the entrance to her den. Foxpool turned around to see Stormheart, NightClan's brave deputy. He was as strong as his name sounded. "Sorry to bother you, but I have a small problem," Stormheart announced. "Turtlestar is exhausted, but she just can't sleep. Do you have anything to help her?"
     Foxpool nodded and nudged some poppy seeds over to Stormheart. "Make sure she eats those," the medicine cat ordered sternly. "Thanks!" Stormheart purred and bounded away.
     Foxpool sighed and went back to sorting herbs. But she just couldn't concentrate.

     Suddenly, a screech echoed throughout the camp. Foxpool burst out of her den and saw Stormheart hissing and two rogue cats snarling. "Intruders!" he hissed, his hackles raised.
     "Wait!" Turtlestar ordered. Stormheart stepped back, allowing his leader to see the newcomers. "Who are they?" Foxpool asked, her pelt hot with fear.
     The golden tom stepped up, his legs rippling with muscle. "I am Owl," he announced. "And this is my sister, Flate."
     Foxpool stepped backwards. Owl and Flate looked fierce. "You can trust us," Owl assured her. Foxpool hissed at them, her fur prickling with alarm. "Stop hissing!" Flate demanded.
"And just which cat made you Clan leader?" Stormheart challenged. "Stop!" Turtlestar commanded. "We don't want to get into a fight." she eyed the newcomers suspiciously. "Can we really trust you?" she asked. "Of course," Owl answered. "Of course they'd say that," Stormheart growled just loud enough for Foxpool to hear. Flate growled at Stormheart; she had obviously heard what the black tom had been talking about.
     "Well, we have extra nests for you tonight," Turtlestar meowed. Foxpool and Stormheart looked puzzled, not so sure that they could trust these cats.
     "What about the Gathering?" Stormheart asked. "They can stay here in the camp for now," Turtlestar answered confidently. "Thank you," Flate dipped her head.
     Foxpool stiffened as she saw the size of the golden she-cat's belly. "Kits," she whispered to herself. Flate was expecting kits! And in their camp!

     Foxpool was ordered to stay behind for the Gathering, and to keep an eye on Owl and Flate. "Gladly," Foxpool had answered, eying Owl carefully, but not in a too rude way. Foxpool had then retreated into her den, getting ready for a long night of spying.
     "Foxpool!" Flate's desperate mew rang throughout Foxpool's ears. The kits were coming! Foxpool rushed over to the soon-to-be-queen and gave her a stick to chew on when the pain got worse.
     Foxpool laid Flate down on a blanket of moss, one paw on her flank. "The first kit has arrived," Foxpool announced as a tiny black she-cat sat mewling in the moss nest.
     "One more!" Foxpool encouraged the queen. Another she-kit came out, mewling, just like her sister, only she was a gray tabby. Flate let out a sigh of relief and started licking her kits' wet pelts.

     "What happened!?" Turtlestar exclaimed once she saw Flate and the new kits. "Flate has had kits," Foxpool explained.
Owl padded up to the NightClan leader and sat down. "Can we join your Clan?" he asked. Foxpool took a step back, surprised. Flate nodded, her tail wrapped around her two new kits, Queen and Misty. Turtlestar sighed and smiled. "Sure," she answered.

     "Today, we are going to make Owl, Flate, and the kits warriors in our Clan!" Turtlestar announced. Owl stepped forward. "Owl, from this moment, you will be know as Owleyes. We hope your strength will help us in the future." Turtlestar touched noses with Owleyes.
     "Flate, from this moment, you will be known as Goldenpelt, in honor of the golden-pelted cat that brought you here, Owleyes." Goldenpelt's eyes shone with pride. "What about my kits?" she asked.
     Misty hopped forward. "I'm so excited!" she squeaked happily. "Misty, from now on, you shall be known as Mistykit. We will always be happy of your joy in life, and that will help us survive in harder times."
Turtlestar nuzzled Mistykit's cheek.
     "My turn!" Queen purred with excitement.
"Queen, from this moment on, you shall be known as Fishkit. We welcome you all as members of our Clan!"
"Owleyes! Goldenpelt! Mistykit! Fishkit!"      Foxpool cheered with joy. New Clanmates always brought something new to the Clan, and she had a feeling that these cats were just the right ones. "Loners. Kittypets," Stormheart spat. "Too many of them."

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