9 (Finale!!!)

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Foxstar's heart was racing. Hoverpad's kits were mewling as FireClan bounded into camp. But it was only some of them.
"We must band together to fight the rebels!" Netherstar announced.
Asheyes, a FireClan warrior, snorted and killed poor Turtlekit with one swipe of his massive paw. Foxstar leapt onto him, the two cats tossing and throwing each other.
Suddenly, the ghostly spirit of peaceful Turtlestar, not Turtlekit, rose from the dead kit's body. Rosekit started to scream.
Asheyes ran away into the forest, leaving a trail of blood behind him.
Sandfur walked up to Foxstar, holding a flaming orange kit in her jaws. "Here," she meowed with worry. "Thunderstrike says that this one belongs to NightClan. His name is Flamekit."
Foxstar confusingly looked at the scared little kit with disbelief, then handed him over to Hoverpad , who was protecting her kits. Foxstar hissed. She would have time to think over this whole mess later, if she wasn't dead by then, that is.

The rebellion was all huddled up together, Fishstar at the front. They had some Dark Forest spirits with them too, like Bloodstar, Stormheart, and Silverclaw. The more surprising rebellion members were at the back of the group, like Blossomstar, Ottermouth, Stripeypelt, and a jet black FireClan cat, who's name was Sparklefire.
Foxstar glared at all of them.
"ATTACK!!!" Fishstar ordered. Hordes of cat charged out into the field, hissing cats everywhere.
Foxstar ducked a swipe of Asheyes' paw, and Turtlestar was clawing at Blossomstar.
Redheart leapt up and kicked Sparktail in the face, only to get pinned down by Sparklefire. The black tom smiled menacingly, showing his teeth, as Redheart tried to break free. Bramblethorn leapt onto Sparklefire and he let go of Redheart. "Go!" Bramblethorn ordered her old Clanmate. Redheart nodded and sprinted away to fight another cat immediately.

The cats were fighting for what seemed like forever. Owleyes and Snowcaw were batting at Ottermouth's tail, and Lilyhop was clawing at Asheyes. Rosekit tried to escape the nursery to help but failed many times. Birdflight flew over the circle of rebels when they started to throw her up to the sky and to the birds. Bloodstar multitasked to take on Birdflight and Robinsky at the same time, while Stormheart and Silverclaw were both taking down Shinefur.
Treespot - now a warrior - and Toadface were helping out Bramblethorn. Foxstar purred as she realized her cats were winning. She leapt over to save Shinefur from Stormheart, and the tortoiseshell she-cat escaped with a sigh of relief.
Fishstar flattened her ears. "No!" she hissed. "The Dark Forest never loses!"
Foxstar saw Blossomstar look around at the chaos, and then turn on Fishstar. The two leaders struggled for a bit before Blossomstar gave up and went to go persuade Stripeypelt to join her side. Stripeypelt's sister, Spottedtail, was helping her. When Stripeypelt wouldn't budge, Spottedtail grunted and gave up. It's about time Blossomstar knocks some sense into herself, Foxstar thought. It's like she saw a flying hedgehog.

But at least some cats were thinking straight again. Sparklefire was shifting his paws uncomfortably as Fishstar's gaze rested over him.
Suddenly Foxstar's mother instinct kicked in, and went back to protect the camp, and the kits.
Flamekit was sobbing in terror, and wailing through hiccups. Thornkit hid behind Lakekit, while the rest of the kits were snuggled in with Hoverpad, who was trying to convince Flamekit, Lakekit, and Thornkit to come to her.
Leafnose was slashing at a warrior Burnscar from FireClan, and chased him out of camp. Moonfeather was helping, her silver tabby pelt sparkling in the moonlight. What was that prophecy? "Craziness is the answer to the danger ahead"? Foxstar's head was spinning, and suddenly it all came to her.

Foxstar sprinted back to where the battle was, and saw StarClan cats everywhere. Shinefur, Petalblaze, Topaztail, Sunface, Burntface, Longscar - a FlowerClan cat - , a small black and white apprentice, and some other random cats. Robinsky scanned the cats, looking for a shadowy outline of Fishstar.
Foxstar shuddered. Her freezing-to-death life wasn't her first one to lose; she had lost many others in the battle. And there was only one left.
Well, Robinsky found Fishstar, alright.
But he saw her with a fierce paw - a sharp claw - stabbing Foxstar's heart.

Foxstar stood up almost immediately after she felt life in her paws. Her fur twinkled with stars in it, and ran over to her body. Fishstar was laying limp too, and Foxstar came to the conclusion that Turtlestar and Rosekit had killed her.
A shadowy Dark Forest cat rose up from the body of Fishstar, who ran away in a panic, never looking back to see the starry leader stare defiantly.
Mossclaw was screaming his life out. "FOXSTAR!!!!!" he wailed. Fallbeam and others were trying to drag him away from her body, but he fought against them, clawing at their faces, killing Moonfeather. "LET ME GO!!!!" he screamed in terror. "LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!"
So Fallbeam released him, and he ran away into the forest. Foxstar could still hear his yowling, even though it was muffled by the sounds of sobbing for lost clanmates.
Mossclaw eventually came to a stop, his green eyes red and puffy, snuggling into Foxstar's starry pelt. Foxstar walked up to him. "I'm here," she whispered. Mossclaw looked up, tears overflowing his eyes. "Foxstar..."
Foxstar faded away into the night sky.... and Silverpelt shined.

If you liked this and want more, don't worry because I am working on a sequel to this called "Falling Moon"

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