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     Foxstar ran across the fields, surprised her paw was feeling much better. She leapt over fallen trees and tumbled into the ugly horror that was the Dark Forest. Sparktail must be dreaming, so he should be here. She trembled as she spotted Bloodstar approaching her.    "Why, hello, Foxpool," he growled. Foxstar puffed out her chest. "Oooh, I'm so scared," Bloodstar hissed. Foxstar rolled her eyes and continued walking until she finally spotted Sparktail.
     Before she could even say "hi" to him, Sparktail leapt onto Foxtar and started clawing her back, but Foxstar flipped him over and slashed his throat. "Don't kill. Don't kill," a little voice was ringing in her head. Sparktail growled and struggled to get free of Foxstar's hold.
     Foxstar let go of Sparktail and ran back to Turtlestar and Rosethorn.
     "Nope. Not. Him," she meowed, gasping in between words.
     Suddenly Mossclaw burst out of the bushes and nuzzled Foxstar. Foxstar purred.
Mossclaw started licking her wounds. "It was Sparktail," he growled as he sniffed the wounds. Foxstar nodded and wrapped her tail around Mossclaw. "I think we'd better get going," she purred.
     Foxstar woke up at the Moonlake alongside those who went on that journey with her.
She rushed back to camp and leapt onto Highmushroom. "I have figured out the vision!" she announced.
     "You're back!" Graytail purred. He ran up to Fallbeam. "Erm, how'd it go?" he asked. "Ok, I guess," Fallbeam answered. Graytail turned red. "Soooo..." he shifted his paws uncomfortably. He quickly ran over to the fresh kill pile and back, dropping a mouse at Fallbeam's paws. Fallbeam purred and nuzzled Graytail. Graytail's whole body turned red basically.
     Foxstar laughed and faced the Clan. "Fallbeam was not the one in the vision." Fallbeam's tail drooped and she looked sadly at Graytail "I'm so sorry," she whispered. "For what?" Graytail purred. "I don't care if you're in some stupid vision or not. You're still Fallbeam."
Fallbeam purred.
     "The vision was about me, Turtlestar, and Rosethorn. You see, it wasn't a cat looking into the pool of water, it was a fox. Looking into a pool."
     Leafnose snorted. "It could've been any normal fox," she commented.
Foxstar continued. "There were stars in the background that made a shape of a turtle. Turtlestar. And lastly, there were also rose thorn bushes. Rosethorn. It all makes sense."
     Owleyes nodded in agreement. Foxstar purred. "And today, two apprentices are ready to become warriors. Snowpaw and Stonepaw."

     Shinefur bounded into camp with two kits in her jaws. "They came out of the Moonlake," she meowed. "They will be called Turtlekit and Rosekit," Foxstar announced. "After Turtlestar and Rosethorn."
     Foxstar winked at the two kits, who winked back. They didn't just look like Turtlestar and Rosethorn, they were Turtlestar and Rosethorn!
     Snowcaw purred at the two new kits.         Stoneburst just rolled her eyes.
Shinefur let go of the kits and they padded up to Foxstar. Foxstar purred.

     That night was the Gathering. Foxstar had announced the two new kits, and Hoverpad becoming a warrior.
     "And I would like to thank all those cats who went into the Moon Lake with us," she finished. Some cats looked at each other, clearly confused. Fishstar snorted and pawed at the rock she was standing on.
     "DarkClan's deputy, Hailstone, has died." Then she started grinning. "Good. He was stupid."
     A FlowerClan cat hissed at her. "How could she say that?!" Another FlowerClan cat came over to her. "Calm yourself, Mudnose," he assured her.
     Fishstar glared at the both of them. "As I was saying, the new deputy of DarkClan is Despairheart." Who would name their kit that?! Foxstar wondered.
     A dried-blood-colored tom puffed out his chest with pride. Foxstar rolled her eyes. Typical DarkClan mouse-brain.

    When the gathering was over, Foxstar walked up to Thunderstrike. "Where is this she-cat you told me about?" she asked. Thunderstrike turned red and hid his face with his tail. Then he sighed and tilted his head over to a sand-colored she-cat. "Her name is Sandfur," he admitted.
    Foxstar unsheathed her claws, dug them into the dirt, and led her Clan back to camp.

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