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Shinefur was arranging a ceremony for Rosethorn.
"Why on the day of the Blue Moon Gathering?" Petalpaw asked. Mosspaw shrugged. "It looks like some cat got her," Mintpaw replied. "Those are cat claw marks. And they smell like NightClan. We have a traitor in the Clan." Stormheart growled. Lots of people gasped but Owleyes. Turtlestar and Foxpool cried very loudly for their lost friend. They missed their friend so much. It was time to share their last tongues with Rosethorn.
Turtlestar padded over to Rosethorn. She put her head on Rosethorn's neck and cried.
Foxpool saw Turtlestar whisper in Rosethorn's ear. She could not hear what Turtlestar had said. Next Rockyfoot sat by his old mentor and cried. Everyone knew he would stay there for a very long time. Foxpool went up to her old friend, crying, and said "Rosethorn, we miss you and we will try our best to find who did this..."
Foxpool then looked at Rockyfoot's eyes. His eyes were full of tears and he was so sad he could not even meow. All a sudden Turtlestar went up on Highmushroom and said " I know we are all sad for Rosthorn's death but StarClan has her in their paws now. We will miss you very much Rosethorn." Then Stormheart added "We are not going to the Blue Moon Gathering until we figure out who the traitor is."
Turtlestar answered it by saying, "That is a step too far, Stormheart. We do not want to ruin the Blue Moon Gathering for everyone. We will do that after the Gathering and we need to tell Dewfur." Stormheart silently nodded. Everyone got in a line to go to the Gathering. Well, not really a line, more of a blob. Everyone just walk by who they wanted to. Foxpool walked with Shinefur and Turtlestar. She was trying to get them to know each other but they were both too sad. But finally they got to the Gathering. Shinefur snuffled "Rosethorn would have loved this."
"Rosethorn would have." Foxpool thought. FlowerClan did a wonderful job. There were lots of flowers and light from the fireflies. " Wow, that smells like good prey!" Thunderkit mewed happily.
Once Turtlestar had announced Rosethorn's death, Mosspaw started crying so hard that he could barely breathe. "BUT I WANTED TO BE HER MATE!!!" Mosspaw wailed sadly. Turtlestar stroked her kit's heads gently. Dewfur was also really sad, since he was the one who had asked Rosethorn to the Blue Moon Gathering.
Turtlestar then walked over with her kits to were Burntface was sitting and sat by him. Turtlestar introduced her kits & apprentices. "This is Mosspaw, Mintpaw, Halfpaw, and Petalpaw." Burntface started to play fight with them. They laughed and acted fierce. Turtlestar smiled widely. But Mosspaw was just groaning with grief.
Then Bloodstar then announced that his old deputy, Hardwhisker, had died in a battle with a Clan they did not know, so the new deputy was Fishclaw. Everyone in NightClan knew they were talking about AquaClan but did not say. Then Foxpool gasped. Fishclaw??!!! He had to be joking!! But he wasn't. Mistylife, on the other paw, was really proud of her sister.
Then, a shriek echoed throughout the Mushes. It was Mintpaw. "WHERE'S FALLKIT??!!!!"

Turtlestar and the other leaders had called off the Blue Moon Gathering until they had found Fallkit. No!!! Foxpool thought. Nothing can happen to her!! She's part of that vision I saw!
Moonfeather was leading the way in one group, because she knew Fallkit's scent the best. Mistylife led Foxpool's group, the blind she-cat using her nose to guide her. "I picked up her scent trail!" Mistylife announced. Turtlestar mewed with excitement. Mistylife started to walk towards Moon Lake. "Do you see her Mistylife?" Turtlestar asked forgetting Mistylife was blind. "Oops, sorry Mistylife." Turtlestar said sorrily. "Oh, I see a cat shadow." Burntface said. He had followed Turtlestar. "Where?!" Turtlestar asked happily. They were both acting like new born kits. Foxpool was glad Turtlestar was happy.
Foxpool quickly spotted the shadow of a cat and it seemed to be on it's side. " It must be Fallkit! I hope she is not hurt!" Foxpool said out loud. The medicine cat ran up to Fallkit and checked her pulse. She was alive thankfully but she was unconscious. "She looks like she was attacked by a fox!" Mintpaw exclaimed, rushing up beside Foxpool.
Foxpool was shocked and Mintpaw stared at her "What do I do?" Mintpaw asked, scared. "We need to get her back to camp. Now!" Foxpool demanded. Mintpaw nodded and nudged her friend. Fallkit groaned. Mintpaw gasped with horror. Foxpool dipped her head. She had to save Fallkit! She just had to!

At camp, Fallkit lay in Foxpool's den. "Now, I will call you Fallpaw," Foxpool mewed. "How is she doing?" Silverclaw mewed nervously. "One thing for sure, she means that she doesn't know." Hoverkit snickered. Foxpool glared at the kit. Her kit pounced out of the den timidly and hoped nothing would happen.
Mintpaw glanced nervously at her mentor hoping for good news. Foxpool tried to identify the problem. "Well, she seems okay . . ." Foxpool mumbled to herself. "She will heal in time. She'll be ready to have a mentor soon." Snowkit growled. "What about me and Stonekit?" she asked.
Silverclaw comforted her kits by licking them between their ears. Stonekit ducked away. "It's not fair!" she whined. "Fallkit is only two moons old!" Foxpool thought about this. Kits could only be apprentices when they became six moons old.
But, Stonekit and Snowkit did make a point. Fallpaw was very young. "I'll think for a while," Foxpool hissed. Suddenly Shinefur bounded in. "What about AquaClan?" she asked quietly. Foxpool froze. "What?" she hissed. "I saw an AquaClan apprentice on our territory today," Shinefur answered. Foxpool frowned.

Mistylife, who had been collecting herbs for Foxpool, came back empty-pawed. "What happened?" Foxpool demanded. "The AquaClan apprentice stole the herbs!" She mewed, looking far off into the shadows of Foxpool's den.
Turtlestar leaped from Highmushroom. "We need to see what is going on in Gladestar's Clan!" she announced. Foxpool nodded. "I'll sort the patrols," Stormheart meowed.
But Turtlestar stopped him. "No you won't," she hissed. "I found black fur by Rosethorn's body that day," she hissed. "And you have black fur!" Stormheart hissed. "I didn't do it!" he complained. "I don't care!" Turtlestar growled. "You are no longer deputy. The new deputy of NightClan is . . . MISTYLIFE!"
The blind she-cat gasped in surprised. "ME?" she mewed with terror. "Turtlestar . . . I can't!"
"You will do wonderful," Turtlestar assured her. Mistylife smiled awkwardly and went to organize the patrols. "Is Shinefur here?" she asked.
"Right here!"
"Over here!"
"She's on patrol!"
Mistylife frowned. "Fine," she sighed. Stormheart glared at Mistylife and stalked off, hissing something to himself.
Suddenly, a white cat with blue markings bounded into the camp. "I'm back!" she purred. Birdflight, Foxpool's sister, had left the Clan a couple years ago, and now she was back! Thunderkit rolled over on his side from napping and asked, "Who?" and everyone glared at him. "Don't you know Birdflight?" Turtlestar hissed. "No, he is my kit," Foxpool argued. Birdflight's face lit up.
"Foxypool!" she exclaimed. Foxpool rubbed up against Birdflight and smiled. "So many new cats!" Birdflight exclaimed. Stormheart growled, "At least she wasn't another one of those kittypet or loners."
Leafnose, the brave warrior who had unfortunately not come up in the story until now, was pacing around Birdflight. "Well, you're back," she commented. "Yes, I am back," Birdflight stated. Leafnose and Birdflight were never close, but Foxpool didn't want them to get into a fight.
But Birdflight didn't seem to mind. "Stormheart, I want to go on patrol," she demanded. "Sorry," he snorted. "But I'm not the deputy anymore." Birdflight frowned. "Then who is?" she asked.
"Me," Mistylife mewed. "You don't know me. I'm a 'new cat'." Birdflight stepped back in shock. "you?!" she gasped. Mistylife nodded off into the distance. "I'm over here!" Birdflight shook herself all over the place. "I know!" Mistylife hissed, facing Birdflight. "I'm not blind you know!" Foxpool lowered her head. Mistylife lying? That was so not like her! "Uh, Mistylife . . ." Foxpool started. "Just let her," Moonfeather meowed from the fresh-kill pile. "No!" Foxpool hissed back. "Mistylife is my friend! I'm going to figure out what has gotten into her." Moonfeather nodded and the kit went back to grooming.
"What's going on?¨ Snowkit asked, Stonekit and Fallpaw trailing behind her. Mosspaw looked up from eating to see. What was happening to Mistylife?

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