chapter 1

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Normal P.O.V

"(y/n)! (y/n)! Take a look at this!!" Your cousin (c/n) squealed excitedly, rushing towards you with something cradled close to her chest. "What's that?" You asked curiously, brushing your (h/c) bangs out of your wide (e/c) eyes as you stared at the monochrome box wrapped tightly in her arms.

"It's Laughing Jack's box! ...It's where my bestest friend L.J lives...!" She beamed, glancing down at the painted black details on the top of the box, running her fingers along the top of it.

"Who's L.J?" you asked, watching her roll her (e/c) eyes at you. "Laughing Jack! Duh! ...Watch this...!" She said with a small dark grin, gripping the handle of the box and cranking it, listening to the slow, eerie tune of 'Pop goes the weasel' ring through the now silent air.

As the twisted song came to an end, the lid sprung open, making your heart pound in fear as you peered into the box.

Your wide (e/c) eyed stare met the hollow, blank inside of the box. "Umm..." You started to breathe out of confusion, expecting something to leap out of the box until you were cut of by a happy squeal from (c/n).

"L.J! You're here!!" She grinned, looking up into the cloudy grey sky that hung above you. "...(c/n)? What are you doing?" You asked, slightly cocking an eyebrow at your smiling cousin.

She turned to you with a confused expression: "That's my cousin... (y/n),why?" She questioned, looking up into the sky again.

You leaned against the rough bark of the pine tree you were resting upon earlier, the thought: "It's just an imaginary friend right? All kids go through this at some point..." racing through your mind as you threw a glance at (c/n) who was staring at you again:

"(y/n)... What does sexy mean...?"

L.J's P.O.V

I felt (c/n) pick up my box again carefully, then rushing down a flight of stairs and slamming the door open to the outside world. "(y/n)! (y/n)! Take a look at this!" (c/n) squealed in that annoying, high pitched voice I couldn't... WAIT TO RIP OUT OF HER PRISSY THROAT!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

I was lost in my own murderous thoughts until my new... heh... 'Playmate' (c/n) started cranking the handle of my box, letting my melody ring through the air. I was finally freed again as the lid sprung open, my monochrome form leaping out of the restricting black and white box.

I smiled down at (c/n) who squealed again with pure joy: "L.J! You're here!". I chuckled, patting her tiny head with my massive black, clawed hands which would soon slash her in half, spreading that GLORIOUS CRIMSON BLOOD ACROSS THE FLOOR.

I plastered another fake smile on my painted black lips, beaming down at her until a voice came from behind me: "... (c/n)? What are you doing?". I turned around, my black orbs meeting a pair of cute (e/c) eyes slightly covered by soft (h/c) bangs.

Her beautiful body was leaning against the dark wood of the looming pine tree, my cheeks heating up slightly at the thoughts of what I could do to her...

I wanted that mouth to moan my name... Her hands to go over every inch of my monochrome body... I wanted to make her mine and she wasn't going to leave me... I would make sure of that...

"Who's that?" I asked (c/n) with a curious grin, blush still tinting my cheeks pink. She turned around towards the girl, her mouth opening to answer :"That's my cousin... (y/n), why?" she asked, looking back up at me.

"(y/n) hmn? She's sexy..." I murmured under my breath with a smirk, licking my painted black lips as my onyx eyes focused on (y/n). ...Even her name is cute... I thought as (c/n) turned around to face (y/n) once more.

"(y/n)... What does sexy mean...?" My cheeks burned pink along with (y/n)'s, her hands stretching to feel her heated cheeks. I reached for (c/n)'s sleeve, tugging on it gently as I breathed: "Hey (c/n), why don't we go inside and play kiddo?".

(c/n) turned around and beamed up at me: "Sure L.J! Let's go!!" She giggled, skipping playfully towards the door that we had just exited. I quickly glanced over at (y/n) who was still a blushing mess before walking away, cackling:

"You're going to be mine... (y/n)..."

Normal P.O.V

You looked over at (c/n) who was cheerily skipping inside of the door she recently slammed open. Sighing, you picked yourself up off of the backyard floor, dusting off your (f/c) shorts before heading back inside, your ears pricking up at the sound of small tinkles of childish laughter coming from upstairs.

You crept up the staircase, the overhead lights flickering in a rhythm as you ascended them. A cold shiver crawled down your spine, making your steps and heartbeats quicken as you reached the cold, metallic door knob, your grip twisting around it.

As the dark wooden door swung open slowly, your gaze trailed down to the paper littered floor. They were nothing but childish scrawls of the same thing... A tall, monochrome male clown with raven black shaggy, shoulder length hair.

His painted black lips were curled into a dagger like grin as his black eyes bored into yours from the paper.

He was dressed in ebony overalls, a long sleeved black and white striped shirt with mangy raven feathers sticking out from all angles on his shoulders. And to top it all off, he had a black and white swirly clown nose.

Your cheeks blushed a soft pink as you picked up the piece of paper, your (e/c) eyes following the trail up to (c/n) who was lazily laying on the floor, doodling something in a crimson red crayon.

"Hey (c/n)? Who's this?" You asked, watching her take a quick looking at the picture before declaring: "It's L.J...! Oh, he drew something ESPECIALLY for you as well..." She said, handing you a piece of paper that made your eyes widen.

It was a picture drawn in the same blood red crayon, a heart was on the page, a scrawly caption in black across it: "YOU'RE NOT LEAVING..."

(c/n) turned to you, grinning: "You know, L.J REALLY likes you! Maybe you guys are gonna get married and have lots of babi- ...Hmn? Why shouldn't I say that? ...What do you mean: Not yet anyway...?" She asked, cocking her head in confusion towards her left hand side.

She sighed in frustration a few seconds later, returning to her drawing. "...O...K... I'm just... gonna... head back to my room... you... uh, have fun... playing with L.J...!" You smiled nervously, backing out of the room with (c/n)'s stare boring into you as you left, closing the wooden door behind you.

You still had the piece of paper from earlier scrunched up in your fist, your (e/c) eyes looking down at it as you unfolded it, your eyes scanning the black and white picture with a red blush, the words: "You're not leaving..." flashing through your mind as you paced quietly towards your room, not aware of the shadow following behind.

Your body crashed on top of the comfy mattress, your mouth letting out a small sigh as you stared at the picture with your half-lidded gaze. Your eyes started to slowly droop, surrendering to the darkness of your dreams......



You're not leaving... L.J x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now