Part 5

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Your (e/c) eyes flashed open to the sound of choking pricking your ears, your head slowly turning to gaze up at L.J whose black claws had pierced through the bottom of your uncle's jaw. Your eyes widened form underneath your (h/c) bangs as your uncle's crimson blood trickled from L.J's claws down to the timber floorboards.

L.J grinned as he listened to your uncle's howls of pain, chuckling darkly to himself before turning his attention towards you:"...Welcome to the show sexy...! Tonight, you'll feast your eyes on the main attraction... Your uncle's DEATH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He cackled before clicking his fingers, a cloud of grey smoke enveloping your bodies.

Once the smoke cleared you realized instantly where you were, the familiar monochrome blood stained tent hung above your head, the spectator seats filled with the slowly decaying corpses of blood obviated children... with a new addition.

"(c/n)..." You breathed, reaching out to touch her bloodied cheek until a sudden flash of dim light came pouring onto the ring, a shadowed figure walking onstage. It was L.J, grinning at you from across the room.

"...This is a very special girl who I intend on making mine... so kick back and watch your uncle be wiped from existence sexy! Heheh!!" He chuckled, bowing before walking off the stage. The light then traveled towards a giant striped wheel, pointing it's glare at something... truly entertaining...

Your uncle was tied against the wheel, struggling against the tight binds of appendages as L.J advanced towards him with a handful of throwing knives. He spun the wheel with a devilish smirk, closing his eyes as he stood back, throwing the knife into your uncle's chest. His crimson blood was sent splattering across the dirt floor, making L.J cackle: "Whoops! Must've slipped!"

Your uncle looked up at L.J who was looming in front of him with a grin, spitting:"Monster...!" L.J glared at him, grin still playing on his lips as he plunged another knife into your uncle's head.

"You're the monster..." he breathed, watching your uncle's bloodied body give one final breathless gasp before going limp, making a small, crazed smile appear on your lips as you realized it was fun... Watching his last moments of life become a struggle...

L.J turned to the spectator seats with a grin, chuckling:"I need a volunteer... How 'bout you? The cute one up front..." He asked, pointing to you and beckoning for you to come to his side. You got up from your seat, feeling his arm coil around your shoulders.

"You can do anything you want to the alcoholic bastard... after all... he's dead and can't fucking do anything to hurt you anymore... Cause you're mine now sexy..." He breathed, handing you one of the silver knives.

You stared down at it, running your fingers over the cold metallic surface before snapping your gaze back up to meet the dead, lifeless look your uncle bore.

Without another word you started dragging the knife down his chest, watching the scarlet blood seep through his clothes as you stabbed it further. For all the pain and suffering... You thought to yourself, noticing L.J staring at you with his cheeks coated in a slight pink blush.

"Nothing... Is fucking sexier than seeing you covered in fucking blood..." L.J chuckled lowly as he lent against one of the decaying tent beams, watching you with a small smirk playing on his black lips.

He walked over to the body, taking a look at the wound you inflicted upon your uncle before plunging his claws inside, harshly pulling out the inside appendages and letting them fall to the ground limply. He then started to slowly peel off your uncle's frontal lobe, exposing the fleshy muscle resembling a face underneath.

He proceeded to rip off your uncle's limbs slowly, listening to the sound of his fresh flesh ripping and tearing from his body. He cackled manically to himself for a while, letting the limbs drop to the floor in a pool of your uncle's crimson blood before pinning his hungry, lustful gaze on you.

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