*SMUT* Part 3

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L.J's P.O.V

I felt a pang of jealousy slice through me as (y/n) fell asleep on (c/n)'s shoulder. That cute head of hers should have been resting on MY shoulder...! I just need to get my little playmate out of the picture... NOW!!!

A murderous grin settled on my lips as I crept towards (c/n)'s small body settled on the sofa. Her head rolled to the other side as my over looming figure drenched her in pitch black shadows.

Her small eyes opened blearily, making me cackle manically as I drew my black claws out, watching her eyes widen in terror... OH THAT WONDROUS TERROR!!! I brought my claws down onto her skin before even a scream could escape her parted lips, my eyes widening as I saw all of that GLORIOUS blood spurt out of the new claw marks indented in her skin.

She screamed in agony, as I dragged them down her flesh, tearing them out and listening to her flesh rip apart. I then raised a black claw to my lips, silencing her screams.

"Shh... You're gonna wake... Miss Sleepy head over there... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I cackled, smoothing her (h/c) hair down before roughly grabbing her jaw, ripping down and dislodging it from her frontal lobe, watching the very flesh being ripped from her body as blood spilled across the floor.

I then brought two of my claws to her widened eyes, piercing them as crimson blood spewed onto my claws, coloring them.

I harshly tore one out slowly, letting it droop out of her socket for a second before ripping it out completely, triggering my maniac laughter as I tore out the other.

"And for... heh... the finishing touch...!" I chuckled with widening black eyes, shifting my index claw down to her stomach, pinpointing where I was going to stab her before plunging it in, watching her body convulse before going limp, slumping against the blood stained sofa.

"...Heheheheh... heheheh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I screamed with laughter, ripping out one organ after the other, stringing up her bloodied intestines around the sitting room for (y/n) to see... Ah... I can't wait for her to see my MASTERPIECE... heheh... I thought with a slight grin, slumping down next to her on the sofa.

I turned (y/n)'s cute head towards me, resting it on my shoulder. I saw a slight smile appear on her lips as she snuggled in deeper into my mangy feathered shoulder, making a pink blush coat my cheeks.

"Heh... You're mine now... Oh... you've got..." I trailed off, turning her head to the side as I tenderly licked off the blood staining her cheek. My lips curled into a grin as I brought them up to her ear, whispering:

"...You're not leaving...

Normal P.O.V

Your bleary (e/c) eyes fluttered open to the stench of fresh blood, your hand reaching to shift your bangs out of your sight. Your eyes widened when they suddenly met the blinding color of red spread across all the diverse corners of the sitting room.

"Well? Heehee... What do you think sexy?" L.J's voice whispered, stroking your hair while your head rest upon his striped shoulder, his arms wrapping around you as he nuzzled his face into your chest, chuckling at your speechless response.

You pinned your gaze on the red streaks and once they came into focus you recoiled in shock, gasping as you eyed the guts glistening with blood that seemed to drip down the walls in droplets.

Your quickened breaths hitched as your head slowly turned to your side, your body quivering at the thoughts coursing through your mind. (c/n)'s destroyed body lay limply beside you in a pool of her own crimson blood, her flesh torn from her body and left to dangle off her slowly decaying corpse, her jaw completely dislodged and her own insides strung around the once white room now stained with sheer, glistening blood.

You're not leaving... L.J x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now