part 2

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L.J's P.O.V

I left (c/n)'s side, following behind (y/n) to her room where she unfolded my 'artwork', staring at it for a bit before plonking herself onto her mattress, looking up at the picture again with a little sigh, her eyes drooping wearily, falling asleep...

"How positively ADORABLE...! You thought you could fucking leave me by falling asleep! Well princess... I'll show you this isn't a fucking dream..."

I chuckled under my breath as I stroked her cheek with my raven black clawed hand, restraining myself from slashing it open and letting her blood spill over the floorboards...

That would have to wait... later... there were still SOME things I wanted to do to before that... I smirked as I vanished in a cloud of grey smoke, entering (y/n)'s dreams...

Normal P.O.V

The slow, eerie melody of the Jack in the box that (c/n) played rang through the air as your feet met cold gravel, fog shrouding your sight until an array of flickering, colored circus lights met your wide (e/c) eyes.

A towering monochrome circus tent loomed over you, drenching you in its shadow as you stood and stared at the blood stained tent material with fear clawing at your gut. A low chuckle echoed from within the circus tent, begging for you to come looking for its owner.

Your feet shuffled forward, entering the dimmed tent and ignoring the constant fear that was crippling through your body. Your sight was met by a single spot lighted circus ring, blood staining the dirt floor and equipment.

Your eyes widened in horror from underneath your (h/c) bangs as the scanned the spectators seats... children... guts stringing like gleaming decorations were sprawled over the seats and floor outside of the ring.

A hand suddenly roughly gripped your arm, making you jump as it pulled you harshly down into a lap. You looked up in surprise, your eyes meeting a pair of charcoal orbs. It was a male, black and white clown who looked similar to... (c/n)'s ...drawings... "L-Laughing Jack...?" You shuddered, watching him look down at you with a small smirk.

"... You can call me L.J... (y/n)... Do you like my place? I decorated it ESPECIALLY for you...!" He cackled, sweeping a clawed hand across the ring of dead, blood stained children.

You didn't respond, you only stared at the pool of crimson blood. You felt L.J shift from underneath you, trying to retrieve something out of his ebony overall pocket. He pulled out a multicolored lollipop, holding it close to your face.

"Do you want it?" He asked, his black eyes skimming over you as you shook your head, making him growl slightly. "It looks like I'm gonna have to give you a different candy then..." He growled huskily, grabbing your chin with his thumb and index finger, tilting it to make you look up at him.

He smirked before leaning down, his mouth meeting yours in a rough, passionate kiss. Your eyes widened in confusion but you soon melted into it, letting his tongue slip in and dominate your mouth.

The intoxicating taste of sweet candy spread through your mouth as he explored it, his hands then shifting to stroke the small of your back as you let out small moans of protest, pushing him away lightly and watching the sting of saliva that connected your lips snap as you did.

"What are you doing?" L.J demanded, pushing you down to the wooden seat. "I want... you to let me... out of here...!" You panted, watching him smirk down at you as his hips straddled yours.

"You're not leaving princess... The show has only started..." He breathed, kissing you swiftly again before your vision blurred black as you woke up panting, your (e/c) eyes widening as a voice chuckled lowly in your ear:

You're not leaving... L.J x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now