part 3! (randomness)

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Five Nights at Freddy's: Night 3

Ryuu: Hold up, what do you mean we can't work there anymore?

Jeff: Yeah, didn't you kinda...I don't know...WANT US TO DIE?!

Ryuu: Maybe he only wanted YOU to die.

Slendy: Look, I didn't realize what was going on there. So I'm pulling you guys out. Besides, I found two other people to take on the task.

Ryuu: Who in the hell did ya find? I can't imagine Masky and Hoodie workin' there.

Slendy: No, it isn't those two. The two I found I think would be much more trustworthy in the fact they won't run off from the office. Now then, speaking of my other two proxies, I forgot I needed to meet with them. *heads out the door*

Jeff: Hey, only good news for me!

Ryuu: Yeah well not for me; I left my toolbox behind.

<The following night, with Slendy out of the house, Ryuu recruits help from Sonic.exe and is brought to the pizzeria via teleportation. Her arm is still wrapped in bandages. This time she chooses to wear an Umbreon costume, hoping to blend in with the darkness. With the hedgehog's help, she sneaks into the pizzeria, able to avoid detection. Knowing she'll need further help to reach Pirate Cove with the animatronics already on the move, Sonic jumps into Ryuu's "Hollow Mask", allowing her to use his abilities.>

Ryuu: {Oh man, even with Sonic's abilities, this still won't be easy. Unless whoever's working here only checks the Backstage and Pirate Cove cameras, I might get caught 'cause the timing won't be exact.}

<Meanwhile, in the Office Room, the left door is shut tight; Bonnie waits outside.>

Twilit: Aw c'mon you guys, just let him in!

Frankie: Hell no! Bad enough you dragged Golden Freddy here, I'm not letting the others in! Do you honestly think I WANT to be stuffed in a Freddy suit?

Will: Chill Frankie, Golden Freddy's not even functioning anyway, so I think we're good. *checks the right door lights* HOLY HELL! *shuts the door*

Twilit: Ugh, you guys are cheap. *checks the cameras* Aw, Foxy isn't coming out to play?

Frankie: What are you even doing here anyway? You were never hired.

Twilit: I do what I want~.

Will: Come to think of it, why are WE here?

Frankie: I think Ryuu ran out of ideas.

<In the halls, Ryuu narrowly avoids being seen by Freddy. The bear has some determination in him tonight. Turning herself into the odd static form, the cameras react by going static themselves. Within seconds, she reaches Pirate Cove, slips behind the curtains, and returns to normal. The cameras return, and sounds are heard coming from the kitchen.>

Ryuu: {Phew, made it!} *looks around* {My toolbox!}

Foxy: ...You came back...

Ryuu: !!! *turns around* Foxy! You haven't left the cove yet?

Foxy: The camera comes on from time to time. I don't like the camera.

Ryuu: Guess whoever's here is checking you at a decent level. Oh, that's right, your hand is still broken, correct?

Foxy: *holds up busted hand*

Ryuu: *thinks*...I might make too much noise trying to fix it here. Difficult enough trying to talk quietly.

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