inportant plz read!

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Okay this is the slide for asking questions!
Things you want me to read and answer.

And also on this book there will be a delay since i have no idea what i should do in the next chapter! Sorry but i am running out if ideas to keep the story to continue...

If you guys want to put your own ideas and write about them and dm (or find a way to contact me) me i would be happy to give you a shout out and put it in the next chapter! If you guys have a different opinion, and see any mistakes, TELL ME! i am not that kind if person that judges or be a Bitch about it. You can tell me no worries

Also if there is any kind of question don't be afraid to ask! If it is personal i will try to answer it but it has to involved with this book unless you absolutely need to know! Than i will answer any question!

i would love to thank


She is lovely and sweet and loves my work and I love hers as well!! So go check out her channel and check out her books!

100 READS WTFF!!!!
*screams loudly* 100 READS WHATT!!
I cant thank you guys enough like WHATT!! I honestly did not know this book would go so far! Jeezums *i smile and i clap happily* okay so i have suggested that i am gonna do a roleplay!

I am not sure if i should make a book as well for more people to enjoy!

Also i might add I AM OUT IF IDEAS IN THIS BOOK! i do need help for anyone that wants to help why don't you write your own chapter and message me in my private chat! I will take it here if you want! I will also give you a shout out to anyone of you that gives me there own chapter for this book or that gives me an idea!

Okay guys like really needs help on disss!


~and as always i will see you in the next chapter!!~

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