Part 4

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~has a depressive topic in this chapter~

Normal P.O.V

You froze in realization as the voice pierced your ears, your body bursting into shivers as heavy pounds against the front door echoed through the house:"(y/n)! You had better open this damn door girl!!!" The voice yelled again, making you get up from underneath L.J's warm body and quickly getting dressed to answer the door.

L.J's black clawed hand wrapped around your wrist, preventing you from leaving:"Who is that?" "M-My uncle..." "Then why do you look so-?" "(Y/N)!!!" Your uncle howled from behind the front door making you gasp in terror.

You gently pulled away from L.J's grip, sprinting down the stairs and into the dimmed hallway to get to the door before your uncle bashed the door down. You ripped the door open, your gaze meeting the crumpled, unconscious form of your uncle curled up on the rotting timber floorboards.

"He reeks of alcohol... Just leave him out here..." L.J said in disgust, wrapping his stripy sleeved arms around you from behind, his lips brushing against your neck. "Nghh, s-stop... I need to get him inside or else..." You trailed off, bad memories flooding back into your mind.

"Or else...?" L.J questioned with a cocked eyebrow, watching you drag your uncle's heavy body inside. "It's nothing... You might wanna hide..." "...I think you might have forgotten something sexy... Normal people can't see me unless I want them to so I'm not fucking hiding...".

You sighed, you didn't want him to know the dark truth, that your uncle was an abusive, alcoholic... MONSTER who beat you and (c/n) senseless if you both said or did something wrong.

You pulled his body into the sitting room stained with the sheer, glistening blood of (c/n)'s corpse, propping him up on the sofa next to (c/n)'s slowly decaying corpse, the urge to kill him biting at you as you did.

You looked around in panic at the blood stained sitting room, then at (c/n)'s destroyed remains. L.J chuckled from behind you, forcing you to sit down on the sofa next to (c/n)'s obliterated body, asking:"Wanna see another magic trick?" Covering your eyes as he did.

He uncovered them a few seconds later, your eyes meeting clean, crisp white walls. "How did you...?" You started until he pressed a black claw against your lips:"A clown never reveals his secrets sexy..." He grinned, watching you glance around the room.

"Well? What do you think?" He asked, looking over at you with a small smirk. Before you could answer, a moan from the sofa interrupted, making your (e/c) eyes widen in horror. Your uncle got up groggily from his slumped position on the sofa, scratching his unshaven stubble until his grasp found the T.V remote, flicking the channel over to the super bowl, the sounds of excited screams and crowds cheering pricked your ears.

Your uncle's bloodshot (e/c) eyes scanned the room until they met your frightened ones from across the sitting room. "Oi! (c/n)! Get me whiskey and vodka!" He yelled, making your trembling form flinch at his harsh tone.

"N-No uncle... I'm (y/n)..." You replied shakily, watching his eyes narrow in pure loathing. The remote came flying at you from his direction, hitting you in the side of your head. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT YOUR NAME IS?!! I SAID GET MY WHISKEY AND VODKA!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT YOU SLUT?!!"

You ran to the kitchen before anything else could come flying at you, tears threatening to fall from your (e/c) eyes. You slumped against the marble counter, tears finally streaming down your cheeks as you reached shakily for the two glass bottles filled with the intoxicating alcohol.

"...Heeeeey... Can I kill your uncle now? He's pissing me off so much it's not funny..." L.J murmured from behind you, his hand slowly sliding up your leg. You turned around to face him, his face slightly frowning as your (e/c) eyes met his black orbs.

"Heh... don't cry sexy, I'll kill him if you really want..." He chuckled, leaning in and slowly licking your tear stained cheek. "No... I just-" "(Y/N)!!! Where the fuck are my drinks?!!" Your uncle yelled from the sitting room, making you jolt upwards.

Grabbing the bottles, you headed out of the kitchen door until L.J grabbed you and pinned you against the wall growling:"I'll kill him if he hurts you again because hurting you is my job... Understood...?"

You nodded slightly, watching him lean forwards, his tongue dragging slowly down your neck, biting it roughly before letting you go, eyeing your blush with a smirk: "Just having my minute dose of you to satisfy me before you go..." He grinned devilishly, walking away out of the kitchen, leaving you with a pink flush coating your cheeks.

You let a small sigh escape your mouth, your feet shuffling forwards to answer your uncle's angry growls with his beloved alcohol. Once his bloodshot gaze caught sight of you carrying the bottles, his eyes lit up with childish greed, snatching the bottles out of your grasp and admiring them for a bit until he glanced back at you and snarled:"You took your fucking sweet time didn't you? Now get lost!"

You lowered your head, your feet shuffling forwards into the dimmed hallway. L/J's monochrome form appeared from behind you as you slumped down onto the rotting staircase in between his legs, wrapping a striped arm around your waist.

"You sure you don't want me to kill him sexy?" He breathed, starting to stroke your leg softly. "Yeah... he... shouldn't die..." You refused in a weary tone, your eyes starting to droop. L.J grinned from behind you as you started to nod off, resting your head against his hard chest.

"Sweet dreams doll..." he whispered, watching you smile softly as you finally fell asleep in his arms.

!1 hour timeskipdeedoo!

"(Y/N)!!!". You jolted up at the sound of your uncle's brash, drunken voice scanning the dimmed hallway frantically with your (e/c) eyes. You got up from your position on the rotting staircase to answer your uncle's calls, the usual fear clawing at your gut of what torture his command would bring.

You found him slumped on the kitchen floor, surrounded by empty glass bottles of alcohol littered around him. You started to tremble as his empty gaze found yours, his stale breathed mouth opening to order:"*Hic* ...(y/n)...Get me more alcohol...!"

"...No uncle... please... you've had too much to- AAAHHH!!!" You screamed as you felt the contact of glass being shattered against your (s/t) skin. You glanced over at your uncle who had tossed the smashed bottle aside with narrowed, bloodshot eyes.

He then grabbed another empty bottle laying at his side, swinging it up in the air before the glass started to hit your skin, leaving searing red marks after each hit as you whimpered in pain, clutching your head as your uncle screeched:"YOU PATHETIC LITTLE WRETCH!! YOU'RE FUCKING USELESS!!! USELESS I SA-?!!".

~sorry for the short chapter i have an idea for the next but it will take a bit... and sorry for a very long update i am kinda going through shit...and it involves school and a very...i am just needing a break and i am so sorry and i will try my best to make another chapter~

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