Chapter 7

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Tenanye enjoys having fun but when duty calls, it calls. She is currently sitting in the meeting room drinking her peach tea.

“Hello my queen,” Arnold said while coming in, he looked like a older version of Titus.

“Hello sir, please take a seat,” Tenanye told him.

“Thank you my queen,” Arnold told Tenanye.

“Please do not be formal as we are going to see each other a lot more. Anyways I want to know why you wanted this job sir,” Tenanye straight out told and asked him.

“Of course what should I call you? My answer to your question is to spend time and to see my children as well as to protect you,” Arnold told her.

“Good answer and my name is Tenaye sir Arnold,” Tenanye said.

“Just Arnold please, “Arnold straight out said to the queen with a smile.

Tenanye took Arnold on a tour of the palace which he will be living there from now on. When they had reached the training area; but on the balcony, that Arnold noticed something. The queen was gazing at his son Titus just like how he use to towards his old wife.

Once he processed that inside Arnold's head that it clicked. The letters his son sent to him talking about this girl. That girl is Tenanye, he had described to her to the point. She is kind, respectful, caring, beautiful, loving, and most importantly patient. He sees them together and he would support it all the way.

“Who is your children if I may ask sir… I mean Arnold,” Tenanye asked.

“Titus and Bella is their names,” Arnold told Tenanye.

“Do you want to see Bella, Titus is kind of busy,” Tenanye said, Arnold had nodded his head to her question without hesitation.

Tenanye smiled at Arnold's enthusiasm, with seeing his baby girl. She leads him towards the library in the magic section. Lying on the floor with her nose in a book is where Bella is.

“Bella bee,” Tenanye called out Bella’s nickname.

“Yes Tinkerbelle,” Bella calls her the made up fairytale character.

“I have a surprise for you if you look up from that book,” Tenanye said.

Bella looked up and sees her father. Bella was so happy that she jumped up and clung to her father for dear life. Once Arnold got his daughter back on her feet, that he had explained everything to his daughter.

The two were so happy that Tenanye decided to leave them alone. So she heads back to where Titus is, so she can watch him practice.

Arnold had noticed Tenanye left, so he wanted his daughters help, with his secret plan. The plan was to get Tenaye and his son Titus together.

“Team Titanye is in action,” Bella said and made up a ship name for the two.

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