8. Hate

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As jealously builds up we start Hating the person we are jealous about.. And then start considering the person as a bad omen for us if we see them.. It is not that one starts hating anyone because of jealousy , it may be something else too.. But whatever it is we hate the person.

Always there is a reason behind hating people or things and it is not because we don't like it.. But because we have a reason which we can't say it in words..

Have you ever wondered to take take control over your hatred towards someone?.. Many  do.. But some don't.. They end up taking revenge or something like that..

We develop so much anger,jealousy and venom inside towards someone or something to such a extent that it consumes us and makes us a bad person.. We start seeing everyone in a bad perspective and slowly we crave for bad things.. Well that may sound just as disposable as a diaper but it is true... Someday, when you  experience it , try and notice Your Own destruction..then maybe it may not lead to what actually should have happened.

Each and every one of us feel emotions..which makes us the person we are.. Some may hate being that person and some may like it and feel contended about it.. But what about them who sacrifice their or other's life to all these useless emotions? They are incapable of handling their haterd ? Like really?  Don't they think about the good moments in their life and the love they received until this point?

Every person's life is different ..some full of sorrows,  some filled with happiness and sone altogether mixed.. What so ever, we must utilize our 'different' lifestyle such a way that we be happy.. Whatever makes you happy do that ...but it must make you happy from within...

People are different,  their attitude is different ,their style,  their everything and no one is same.. Similarly, hatred towards one another is also different and so is the way people deal with it.. There are often different reasons for hate.. But the solution is simple and same.. The only thing you have to do is think about yourself.. What will make you happy.. By killing someone or by making them feel as same as you felt ? Making yourself happy means following your heart,  listening to what it has to say over your mind..

It is never do easy to accomplish  a goal or accomplish your emotions.. You need a lot of self control and self confidence. If you want to achieve something, you have have faith in good.

Hating someone means you compare yourself to that person which includes all of your abilities, you want to be greater than that person but you can't be..and this is what which is totally wrong.. ...Each of us are unique.. God has created us to be something special,  something to be worthy for and if we waste ourself by just taking revenge and all those useless things then we are damned, for sure.

This is the life where we can do what we want.. We have a CHOICE. We can choose for ourselves,  we are indeed free to do anything we wish for unless it not a good thing.. But the people who think otherwise don't believe themselves capable of doing anything.. Taking risks and testing themselves, going beyond their imagination...

Anyways, it is all depended upon you.. Whether you want to waste you time by hating someone and taking revenge or enjoying your time in this life by doing what you should actually do and make both you and others happy..

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