Just like it used to be... Chapter 22.

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Kassy POV

"Harry!" I laugh as he drags me into the club. "C'mon Kassy! It's gonna be fun!" He smiled showing those dimples that I miss. He opened the door for me,"lady's first." He says bowing down like I'm royalty."Thank you kind sir," I smile and walk inside. My shut my eyes as the bright lights came into my view.

"There's an open table here." Harry says over the Music pounding through the club.

"I feel like we're at a party club.." I say as we sit down. " Kassy we're not, We are at a family zone, see look around" Harry says. I turn around and spot two teenagers having a full make out moment. I turn back to Harry and Smirk at him. "Okay okay, Maybe its not THAT family friendly" He laughs.

"Okay ladies and Gentlemen, its been a hour so you now what that means.." The Dj says into the Mic. "Harry what does that mean?" I mumble towards him.

"You will find out.." Harry smiles. "Lets see who will sing tonight" The Dj speaks. Everyone claps and points to their friends wanting them to get picked, Remind s me of the movie Hight School Musical.

while I'm trying to think of that hot guy in the movie when a very eye burning light points to me and Harry. I try to block the light with my hands and arm but its to bright even with my arm inwas squinting.

I managed to look at Harry who is smirking at me. He set this up didn't he?!

"Come on up" The dj says as everyone cheers. Yup this is just like High School Musical...i stumble onto the small stage as Harry normally walks on the stage. I give Harry a death stare as he says, "Clam down its gonna be Fun....I promise."

Harry gave the Dj a wink as if it was signal and a song starts playing. I look around and see every one staring at us.Soon enough I know this song, I listened to this sonh when I broke up with Harry...Did he listen to this song as well?

Harry: You and I, we're like fireworks and Symphonies exploding in thd sky.

With You...I'm alive, like all the missing piece of my heart they finally collide. So stop time right here in the Moonlight cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

Without you, I feel broke like I'm half of a whole, Without you, I've got no hand to hold..

Without You, I feel torn like a sail in a storm. ...

Without you...I'm just a Sad Song...

I'm just a Sad song..

Kassie: With You, I fall..it's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on a wall.

With You, I'm a beautiful mess..it's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears up on the edge.

So stop time right here in the Moonlight cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

Harry: Without you, I feel broke like I'm half of a Whole, Without You, I've got no hand to hold.

Without You, I feel torn like a sail in a storm..

Without You, I'm just a Sad Song..

Together: You're the perfect Melody..The only Harmony..I wanna Hear.

You're my favorite Part of Me..With you standing next to me I've got nothing to fear..

Harry: Without You, I feel broke like I'm half of a whole...

Kassie: Without You, I've got no hand to hold.

Harry: Without You, I feel torn like a sail in s strom! Without You..I'm just a Sad Song..

Withour You, I feel broke like I'm half of a whole! Without You I've got no hand.

Without You, I'm feel torn like a sail in a strom.

Without You, I'm just a Sad Song...

Together:I'm just a Sad Song...

By the End of the song me and Harry's Faces were inches away from each other breathing heavily. My eyes Lock onto his green ones. My heart is racing just being this close to his plump lips.

"Lets give these two love birds a hand!" The Dj cheers as so does everyone. Harry smiles and helps get off stage like a gentle man.

"Wasn't that fun!" He laughs. I nod, thinking about his soft lips on mine.

"It's 10:30pm, Want me to take you home? Well not home but cabin or whatever," Harry struggles. "Yes please, Liam checks up on me always at 10:45pm." I say while we're walking to the parking lot.

"Wow really?" Harry says. "That's really protected..." He mumbles. "Yeah but I don't blame him, I'm the only thing he has to family," I say as Harry opens the car door for me. "Yeah your right." Harry agrees.

The drive to the X factor Studio was full of singing horribly, mostly Harry. "We're here!" Harry points out. We get off the car walking inside and to my Cabin. "It's barely 10:40pm, Wanna hang for like 5 minutes?" Harry laughs. "I guess." I say leaning on my cabin door. "How was the 'date/friend hangout'?" Harry smiles. "Good, I liked it," Harry checks his watch.

"You think, we will ever get back Together?" Harry asks out of no where. "Umm..I don't know.." I say looking down at the carpet floor. "I miss you, so much." Harry says. "I'm not gonna lie, I miss you to but I don't know." I answer back. "I understand." Harry says.

"Well I better go before your big over protected brother comes" Harry jokes. I simply nod. Harry smiles and walks away. I sign and turn around to open the door. Next thing I knew Harry turns me back around attacking my lips with his soft ones. I couldn't help it and I kiss him back. Harry places his hand on my cabin door between my head and shoulder as our lips move swiftly together. I wrap my arms around Harry's neck keeping our lips locked together.

Harry pulls back which causes our foreheads to be pushed against together. "I love you..." Harry whispers. "I l-lov-" I choke out then hear footsteps coming to our direction. Fuck it's Liam. I push Harry away from me and casual lean on my door as Harry leans on the wall across form me.

"Sup guys." Liam says coming down the hall way. "Hi," Me and Harry say at the same time. "Why is Harry here?" Liam says pointing to him. "I umm..was gonna use the Lou and saw Kassie and we started to talk." Harry says. "Oh okay, well imma sleep over tonight sis,let me just go my comfy pillow!" Liam says and jogs to his cabin. "That was close" I say. "Too close" Harry agrees.

"Kassie, about that kiss..." Harry trails off. "Let's talk about it tomorrow, Night Harry." I say looking at the ground. "Yeah okay, Night" He says and walks off. "Ouch, Meli, move over!" I hear Cate through the door. Close.."Do you think they will get back together?" Danny asks. We're they listening to Me and Harry?!

"They better, there so cute together!" Meli says. I open the door and there eyes land on me. "What took you so long?" Danny asks pretending like they didn't hear. "I was out."

"With who?" Cate asks. "With some one." I say. "Kas-we, Daddy and aunties were next to door and listening to you and Har-We!" Ace says. "Ace, were did you get that from!" Danny protested. "It's okay Ace, I already knew. Thanks tho buddy!" I smiles and kiss his head. "How did you know?" Cate asks. "I can hear you guys through the door.."

"Dang it!" Meli says. "Whatever Guys, I'm off to bed, Night!" They all say 'Night' back as I head to my room and plop on my bed checking my messages.

From Harry~ Night Beautiful! Xx

I smile at his text and fall into a deep sleep.

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