One Hell of A Ride

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Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter was late, life's been crazy! Side note - this story is taken place in August of 2007, just in case you were wondering.

As Shadowhunters and Warlocks walked beside each other towards certain and absolute danger, they all thought of different people, objects, and times

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As Shadowhunters and Warlocks walked beside each other towards certain and absolute danger, they all thought of different people, objects, and times. I know not of what their minds sketched up in that moment, but I sure as Hades knew what I was thinking about.

Blue cookies.

Oh, and summoning a dream demon and stuff too. Kind of important. But seriously, those cooki-

"Jocelyn was right, your artistery is beyond compare!" It is very rude to cut off someone's fantasies of blue cookies, Uncle!

"I don't know about that . . ."

"Why so humble, Clarissa? Uncle's voice rings with truth, this pentagram is definitely better than whatever the Hades I drew."

"That's because whatever you draw looks like the Minotaur and a Drakon had a child, Nephew."

"Thanks Uncle, I'm really feeling the love," I mutter sarcastically as the Shadowhunters snicker. "But seriously, the only other person Uncle knows that could draw as well was Michelangelo-"

"Excellent in bed, might I add," Uncle reports while looking over Clarissa and Blondie to stare at the black haired Nephilim boy. Everyone's attention is soon directed at me as I groan and turn green.

"I did not need to hear or see that, thank you very much." We then simultaneously turn serious. "Everyone take your rightful place on the pentagram," I say while moving to stand behind my Uncle for magic support. Blondie then shows Clarissa to her proper position while she whispers out thanks. "You must initiate a bond. Once this bound is sealed, it cannot be broken until the Demon retreats. No matter what happens, you must not let go of each other's hands."

I watch carefully as Uncle and the boy join hands, then he and Blondie, then he and Clarissa, then her and Isabella, and then finally her and Uncle. Each jolted at the power and whispers entering their bodies when their hands clasped.

Uncle spoke up,"I will lead the ceremony and you all must do exactly as I say." Both Uncle and I stare pointedly at a member of the pentagram. While Uncle bore his eyes into Clarissa's soul, I bore mine into The dark-haired Nephilim boy. I feel like he will do something absolutely stupid. "The demon's name is Vilaca, at some point, he will ask for payment in exchange for Clarissa's memories-"

Blondie spoke up,"What do you mean, what kind of payment?"

"You will see," I say pointedly at the rude blonde one,"Let us begin." As Uncle Magnus continues to summon the dream demon with the rest of the members of the pentagram, my chest begins to burn and glow. "Hestia's gift, it's warning us." At that, the Nephilim stare at my naked chest, more wary than ever. Then, all at once, three things happen.

We all shot our heads up towards the roof.

The pentagram glowed as bright as a thousand suns.

And a column of smoke as black as night came spiraling down.

As the dream demon spiraled around in a tornado in between the pentagram members, Uncle called out,"The demon is among us," thanks, I hadn't noticed,"do not break the bond!"

Blondie then yells to Clarissa," Hold on!"

"I'm trying!"

"It is time," I yell out," the demon demands payment!"

"What does it want!" the boy yelled out.

"You must each relinquish a loved memory of the one we love the most!" Almost immediately after I finish my sentence, Isabella's memory is torn out of her body. As it enters the demon, we see the face of her twin brother. The next to loose their memory is Clarissa, which shows the smiling face of Jocelyn. Oh, how I miss her so, she is a kind friend. Soon we see the boy my Uncle has fallen for release his memory toward the demon, bringing us an image that brought chaos. As soon as the Blondies face was shown, the boy freaked the Fury out.

"No, it's not true! The demon's deceived me!"

"Do not break the bond!" I yell out while trying to get to the Nephilim boy as fast as I can wit the howling winds pushing against me. I really need to work on my cardio.

"Alec, it's ok!" His twin sister yelled, trying to comfort her brother.

"NO!" He screamed, doing the most idiotic thing he could have done in that moment.

He broke the bond.

"IDIOTIC NEPHILIM BOY, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Almost immediately, everyone is thrown back by the unleashed power of the demon. Just as quick as it was unleashed, Uncle and I caged it, but with a much weaker grasp.

"WE CANNOT CONTAIN THE DEMON MUCH LONGER!" Uncle gritted out between his teeth. What do you think the Nephilim boy did this time? Do something logical? HADES NO, HE HAS TO FLIPPIN' ATTACK THE DAMN THING LIKE A MANIAC! Blondie saves him before he gets demolished by the dream demon, which then leads the STUPID Nephilim boy to push the Blondie STRAIGHT INTO THE DEMONS ARMS!

I don't know I've told you this yet or not, but I hate Nephilims. Have I? Oh, then let me say it one more time . . . I ABSOLUTELY HATE SHADOWHUNTERS!

Blondie yells in pain as the Dream Demon drags him closer. Then Isabella, who must have developed all the logic between the twins, grabs his arm trying to pull him free. The boy then grabs his other hand, while Uncle and I are still trying to contain the demon while Clarissa stands in the corner in shock.

"THE DEMON IS GROWING STRONGER!" Uncle yells out as beads of sweat roll down our exhausted bodies. Isabella then yells to Clarissa for help, who pulls out her blade with a determined face. "CLARY! IF YOU DESTROY THE DEMON, YOUR MEMORIES WILL BE LOST FOREVER!"

The young shadowhunter looks between her blade and her struggling colleagues. Making her choice, she charges the demon, thrusting her blade into its smoky body. Its death causes us all to fall to the floor with big gulps of air that we sorely missed. The Nephilim soon crowded their unconscious team member. As Uncle and I approach the circle they've created, Clarissa asks," Is he gonna be alright?"

"I don't know," Uncle replies absentmindedly.

"Does he normally just lay like that without moving?" I add, which in turn gives me a glare. After a minute or two, Blondie gets up taking large breaths of air while coughing. Yay. As the shadowhunter repeatedly tells his adoptive sister and 'friend' he's fine, both Isabella and I watch as Uncle and the boy converse. Unable to hear their words, I shrug and walk off with Isabella to give Clarissa and the Blonde a moment. Isabella goes to comfort her brother, me my Uncle. He looks at me as I look at him. "Well," he starts off," I know one thing about today."

"Yeah? What's that?"

"It's been one hell of a ride."

Thanks for reading, please follow and vote! I will try my very best to post every Thursday!

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Thanks for reading, please follow and vote! I will try my very best to post every Thursday!

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