Feeling Nothing

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Hey guys! So sorry for not updating last Thursday, it was my Birthday and my day was kinda packed! Thank you for all of the support!

Hey guys! So sorry for not updating last Thursday, it was my Birthday and my day was kinda packed! Thank you for all of the support!

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"I know where the cup is."

At that, I promptly spit some margarita back into its cup, "I'm sorry, my hearings dulled by age, it sounded like you knew where the Mortal Cup is?"

"The tarot cards," and that explains what, dear? "My mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup must be hidden inside the Ace of Cups! The card looks exactly like it!"

"Tarot cards . . ." I mumbled. The only warlock I remembered that had tarot cards was . . . I sigh tiredly and begin to rub the bridge of my nose. In realization and disappointment Blondie and Uncle shared a knowing glance. Clarissa became confused at their looks and my movements of exhaustion.

"Wait, w-why aren't you guys happy about this, all we have to do is find-" she stopped herself as in realization as Uncle gave her 'I told ya so' look.

"Dot adored those little future reading pieces of paper . . ." I then smiled a bit- startling Blondie- so I gave him a little flash of my cold Warlock eyes- just to show that I'm still powerful. He shivered.

"If Dot had the cards when she was taken, we don't have much time. If Valentine gets his hands on the Cup-" Blondie was cut short by moi as I pushed him back.

"We'd know," I started off while circling Clarissa, "If Valentine started creating Shadowhunters or gained control of demons, it'd be like Beyonce riding on a dinosaur through Times Square." I stopped for a second with a 'duh', "People would notice."

"But he can control demons, i've seen it," she protested.

"Mmm, paying off a few demons is easy," I said with a shrug, "especially since they rarely survive long enough to collect."

"Still waiting on Valentine's thank-you card," blondie remarked, causing the two Nephilims in the room to smirk.

"Opening the gates of hell," I said with a slight smirk and shrugged slightly, "that's a little more tricky."

"Valentine doesn't have the cards," Luke said suddenly, making me turn around with an angry look in my eye.

"Oi! Get back to bed, you just finished getting revived from an Alpha's bite!" I said to the new Alpha, about to push him back to bed when Clarissa stopped me.

"Wait!" my steps faltered as I turned to her with a questioning glance, "If Luke knows something about the cards, we have to know! Besides, Luke's apart of this."

I sigh and shake my head in exasperation, "Fine, but you rest after, got it!" I stated while pointing a finger sternly. Luke just raised an eyebrow, like he was saying 'you really wanna go against a super-strong Werewolf'.

"You might want to listen to him," Uncle 'whispered', "he is extremely strong, especially when he gets into Mother Hen mode." Note to self: kick Uncle's arse later. Luke puts his hands up in a sign of surrender as I slowly go to lean on the arm of one of the couches.

"Like I said, Valentine doesn't have the cards. I do. They're in my desk back at the precinct," At Luke's news, we all spare a glance to one another in astonishment, "When Clary went missing, I went to the loft and cleared everything out, 'cause I didn't want the Circle to track her."

"That's great, this should be easy!" Clarissa's grin diminished at Uncle's next words.

"Hmm, that's what General Custer said."

"Magnus is right," Luke stated, "Valentine has spies everywhere, even in the NYPD, we have to be discreet."

"Discreet? You look like something out of The Mummy movie," Clarissa snorted.

"And you are NOT going out there with those fresh wounds, young man!" Luke scoffed.

"You're twenty Noctis, i'm eighteen years older than year."

"I may be twenty physically, but I am almost fifty years older than you, Garroway! And you will not be leaving your rest until you're completely healed!" I fumed at Luke as he stood stoic, yet I could see the fear pooling in his obsidian eyes.

Luke stood straighter to gain confidence-as it was in his Alpha DNA- and corrected himself, "We'll go in the morning," Before I was about to protest, he cut me off saying, "Werewolf healing, remember? This is nothing a couple hours of beauty sleep can't fix." I sighed in defeat, knowing he was right.

An hour after our little 'meeting', I was lounging in my quarters trying to read a book. Key word: trying. Don't worry, I don't have dyslexia anymore, my mind was wandering instead. And it was wandering into the trail of questions and thoughts reserved for a certain Mundane boy. I don't know what attracted me to Simon Lewis, but I wanted to find out. Was it because he was a Mundane? Or because he was determined to help in what he didn't understand? Maybe it was the fact that he wore those adorable glasses.

I sighed, closed my book, turned off the lights, and lay back in be with closed eyes.

Why does it even matter what I think of him? He obviously doesn't feel the same, he's attached to Clarissa. Not that I blame her or jealous of her, I get never feel any negative feelings towards someone who I watched grow up. I just wish him and I had more time to talk . . .

I suddenly sat up as a thought of what I believed was an excellent idea. Why don't I go to him and talk so I could understand my emotions better . . . and see him in pajamas. He would look so cute in pajamas!

I quickly found the twenty dollar bill he left and used a tracking spell to find him. I quickly portaled what seemed to be outside his window. What I saw shocked me.

It horrified me.

It saddened me.

It angered me.

And then I felt nothing.

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Thank you so much for all the support! I really appreciate it! Please vote and comment!

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