Valentine Pissed of a Greek

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Hey guys, this chapters gonna start of from right after the last chapter, and i'm real sorry about the late update! School is an entire different hell on it's own. Wait . . . does that mean Hades controls schooling in a way? I would honestly not be surprised. Also, I found a better pic for Noctis' eyes.

 Also, I found a better pic for Noctis' eyes

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Why is there always a fight whenever I want to relax? Uncle was currently in the lounge, while I was at the patio, both of us battling a circle member

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Why is there always a fight whenever I want to relax? Uncle was currently in the lounge, while I was at the patio, both of us battling a circle member. I was able to quickly cut him down with the gift from Hestia. I wonder half the time if Valentine is seeking it out as well. At least I have time to properly store this ancient jewel. In other words, burn it into my skin. Yay. Note the sarcasm. I travel to the lounge in time to see the darked haired Nephilim boy from before stuttering with this stupid love sick grin on his face. Que my harsh disruption.

"Why do you Nephilim children always follow like wolves looking for a slab of meat?" I almost laughed at the boy's embarrassment. Almost. He tries to utter out an excuse, but I beat him to it as I make my way out the door. "No, don't stop flirting on my behalf. Please, do continue. I'll just go puke out my insides over there."

An hour later, both Uncle and I bless all of are fallen friends and family. I swear on my quarter demon heart that I will end Valentine and his ways if it is the last thing I do. No one messes with my loved ones.

I feel that presence again. Clarissa Fairchild.


"What is it n-" I stop in my tracts for a moment at the sight of Zoe. She runs into my arms and starts crying. I look to Clary. "Her father?"

"Gone." Valentine will be a clump of dust when i'm done with him. But right now, I have a little girl to comfort.

"It's alright, Zoe. I promise everything will be ok." She looks up to me. All of them do. I have to be strong. I don't mourn so Zoe and the rest of my family can. "How 'bout we steal some of Uncle Magnus's blue cookies. Yeah?" She immediately has a bright smile on her face. I would to if I didn't have a reputation to keep up. Besides, Uncle's and Mom's blue cookies are to die for. It's a family recipe from Grandma, I think.

"Noctis." Fairchild must want to speak to me. At least this time she will not be as annoying. I respect what she did for Zoe. I asked the nearest warlock, Ashley, to take Zoe to the kitchen to get some cookies and calm her down.

"I will be there in a second, okay my zebra?" Weird nickname, I know, but it's her favorite animal. She nods and heads of with Ashley to get some cookies. Lucky. "I heard what you did for Zoe." I say as both Clary and I walk through the destruction of what was my home. "You risk your life without hesitation for a young warlock child."

"She was just a girl." A Shadowhunter being humble? A rare sight indeed. " And she was in trouble, I had no choice."

"You always have a choice. You're not like the others Clarissa Fairchild . . . I have underestimated you."

"What do you mean, Noctis?"

"What I mean is that most shadowhunters protect Downworlders as a sense of duty, but you saved young Zoey because of what was inside your heart . . ." I pause to take a moment to truly look at her " . . . you're more like your mother than you'll ever know."

"Noctis, please." I raise an eyebrow as to say 'I like you right now, don't mess it up', "You and your Uncle can't hide from this battle," here we go again, "Valentine found you once, he will find you again. We need to work together. Help me." I admit, she's right. Besides, if Valentine wants to mess with a Greek, he'll get a spear to the as- well, you know what I mean.

"Let me consult with Uncle, I do nothing until he gives me the okay. Understand?" She nodded her head eagerly. Nephilim, so naive. I turned and headed towards the last place I saw Uncle Magnus, until I found him speaking to that Nephilim boy again. Of course the jittery archer was the color of lava while my Uncle held a smirk upon his lips. "By the Angel you two! Get a room would you, the sexual tension is driving us all crazy!" I never thought someone could become that red.

"Yes, dear Nephew," Uncle said through gritted teeth.

"Nephilim boy, take a walk."

"Why should I-"

"Take a walk," I flashed him my Warlock eyes. That shut him up quick. As he left, Magnus pouted at me. Before he could whine. I explained to him the situation.

"Why on the Angel's name would you even listen to Clary?" Uncle asked with astonishment.

"We have the same goals." Uncle lifted an eyebrow at that. "Valentine reduced to the ashes he walks upon." Uncle looked reluctant, so I threw him a curveball, " Besides, wouldn't that mean the Nephilim boy would be staying longer?"

"Fine. We can summon the demon." Even a newborn could tell Uncle was trying to suppress a grin at the thought of the Nephilim boy staying longer.

"Summoning a dream demon. Just another Tuesday."

Thanks for reading, and i'll try to respond to comments as fast as I can!

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Thanks for reading, and i'll try to respond to comments as fast as I can!

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