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Hey guys, I'm just gonna start of strong . . . . .


I'm a total @ss for not posting chapters on the due date, but state testing has been a pain in the buttocks,  if you know what I mean. Because of this problem, I have decided to stop posting chapters until June 14, as to where I have enough time to continue this story. Once again, my profound apologies for this major inconvenience! But please, don't take this as a sign to stop commenting or anything like that, I really appreciate it!

In other news, I may be putting another story online as well on that Thursday. Maybe. It will be different from this story as it won't be in chapters, just like a one shot really, but it will be super long. As in, a book of sorts on one 'chapter'.

Until then, please comment, vote and follow if you already haven't. Cya later, guys!

BTW, should I have a name to call you? Like how youtubers give their followers a group name.

Just a thought.

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