Chapter 7

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Chapter 7



I was desperately trying to talk to Madison, but he could not seem to take his eyes off my life-long best friend. That's how everything always was for Mack though, she had the guys she liked and even the guys she didn't like wrapped around her finger, but somehow never noticed.

"Do you think she notices him, staring at her like that?" I heard a voice behind me and kept my gaze ahead.

"I wish someone would stare at me like that" I exhaled a deep sigh of discontent. What could've been the best summer ever was starting out just like every one before: loveless.

"Someone already is" I turned my head around to see Vinny sitting in the seat next to me, staring at me for a moment with admiration before crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue, which made me chuckle momentarily.

"Why so glum, chum? It's summer, a magnificently windy yet beautiful night, and you are absolutely stunning. Plus you don't want that look, it only leads to trouble" He smiled warmly.

"Because, I'm sick and tired of these meaningless high school relations- wait, did you just call me stunning?" I blushed profusely and found a sudden interest in the ant crawling on the cement of the patio.

"Yes, I do believe I did. And I can not tell a lie" he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh really now, Abe?"

"Yeah really, I also can't let a girl as beautiful as you be upset, so why don't I take you out tomorrow? I know the best mini golf place in town, and an Italian Ice place that sells birthday cake flavored ice. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for my own happiness, because you will crush my fragile teenage heart if you say no" I knew I was going to say no, Mack was practically in love with the boy and I could never do that to her. But when I turned around to see her and Madison laughing at the opposite side of the table, I didn't feel like being the perfect friend I had for the past 15 years.

"Well I am pretty fantastic at mini golf" I stated and he jumped out of his chair and clapped his hands together in a extremely girly manner.

"Well I'm going to leave this party before you have a chance to say no, pick you up tomorrow at 10 sharp, be ready stunning" He kissed my cheek and said his goodbyes before leaving the party. I decided to leave too so I could get a good night's sleep before my first official date. I shook with excitement from the thought of actually going on a date, with a real guy, before turning out the light to my bedroom and falling asleep.


It was 10:15 and I was officially freaking out. Vinny was yet to show up and I knew Mack was going to wake up any minute. In the blink of an eye, I summed it up to the fact that he was joking around about taking me out and I decided to change back into my pajamas and attempt to go back to sleep.

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror in the front corridor. I was wearing a black and white tribal romper with white vans and a mahogany cardigan. My hair was curled and my makeup was simply winged black eyeliner.

"Such a shame" I said to myself, "I looked really cute today" and began my assent to my bedroom.

Just as I reached the top step, the front doorbell rang. I walked cautiously down the stairs and opened the front door to see Vinny, out of breath and red in the face.

"I thought I could just walk to your house because it's only a few blocks away, right? So I started walking and this vicious dog started chasing me, so I had to run all over to get it off my trail. By the time I got him away from me, I was already twenty minutes behind schedule I'm so sorry!" He spoke quickly before leaning over and breathing heavily again.

"For curiosity's sake, what type of dog was chasing you?" I laughed lightly and waved him inside so I could get my wallet and house key.

"A ferocious, man-eating type" he started and I pushed him to finish, "of chihuahua. It was a chihuahua" I cracked up, cupping my hands over my mouth to muffle my laughter as I heard the sound of movement upstairs.

I pushed Vinny through the front door and locked it after making sure that I wrote a note to the Bernhards that I was going for a run.

"Someone is in a rush to get their ass whooped at mini golf" He used all his body strength to halt the both of us and turned around to look me in the eye.

"If I tell you something can you promise me not to tell anyone?"

"Of course Brit, what's up?" I hated being called 'Brit', but something about the way he said it made it sound like the best name in the world.

"Mack likes you, like hard-core, peering in your window at night, celebrity crush likes you. I feel like I'm violating our friendship being out here with you but I really wanted to hang out with you today" I felt like I was doing to this for all the wrong reasons. Do I really want to hang out with Vinny? Or is this all because I want to get back at Mack for having every guy in existence fall under her spell?

"Hey Brittany, you're a really good friend for considering how she would feel in this situation, but I don't think she would mind. Like you said, I am her 'celebrity crush'. She doesn't have actual feelings for me, and anyways blondes aren't my type"

"But I'm blonde" I didn't exactly know what compelled me to say such a bold, flirtatious statement, but before I knew it he abruptly stopped walking and studied my face. I withered under his gaze because I didn't like to be examined in such a way.

"Sometimes you have to make exceptions for the extraordinary" He simple said before shrugging and walking ahead, "I call the purple golf ball!"

Thought Of You (A Madison Alamia love story)Where stories live. Discover now