Chapter 5

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It was a few days after I first met the Alamia family. Once the initial reaction of meeting our 'special' family died down, the Alamia's and Bernhard's became fast friends, realzing that we actually weren't that different at all

I walked to the Alamia's backyard, unlatching the gate with ease considering I had done it plenty of times since I met Madison. We became inseparable since that dinner, and I was excited to be invited to his beginning of summer party he supposedly threw every year.

''Just a few close friends" His words rang through my subconcious as I walked to his backyard.

"Whoa" Was all that managed to escape my lips as I took in my surroundings. Close to a hundred teens were in his backyard, most in bikinis or swim trunks and pushing each other into the Alamia's pool. It had all the makings for a typical house party, except for the fact that there wasn't repetitive dance music playing and no alcohol in sight, much to my pleasure.

"Mack!" I heard my name over the loud and pointless conversations of the guests and spun on my heel to see Madison standing there, shirtless and holding a beach ball. "Catch!" He chucked the toy at me and I caught it without so much as a flutter of my eyes.

"A few close friends my ass, Alamia," I said as he walked over to me "I feel extremely over clothed" I looked down at my baseball shirt, skinny jeans and red vans and cringed internally at a mental image of me in a bikini.

"What? These are all my dearest amigos" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Great party, Jerry!" A huge, overly tan man who looked to be in his late teens came over and clasped Madison's shoulder, making him whither in pain.

"Some are better friends than others" He protested as I just laughed at the huge red mark the kid left on Madison's shoulder.

"Whatever you say, Jerry" I laughed and he just stuck out his tongue at me childishly.

"Fine, I'll give it to you that the party may have gotten slightly out of hand,' he ran a hand through his wet hair and sighed in frustration, "but I want you to meet my real near and dear friends" He grabbed my wrist limply and dragged me around his pool to the patio.

"Guys this is the girl I was talking about, Mack," He said, climbing up the stairs to his patio before I did. "Mack, meet the guys" I walked slowly up the stairs, knowing who I was about to meet and bracing myself so I didn't flip a table or two.

I soon was faced with 6 pairs of gorgeous eyes, with 6 gorgeous boys to match. I said hello to all of them, taking my time to introduce myself to Vinny.

"Hey Mack, I'm Vinny it's nice to meet you" I couldn't seem to speak from initial shock, so I just held out my right hand hoping he would shake it. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "I'm not letting go until you hug me back" I mentally debated on whether or not I ever wanted him to let go, and after a lot of mental coaxing, wrapped my arms around him as well.

"It's nice to meet you too," I said, astonished by my ability to once again use coherent language. "I'm Mack"

"I know" He laughed again.

"Can you two stop flirting? I want to meet the infamous Mack Bernhard too, Madison won't shutup about you" I blushed a deep red at Mikey's words, Madison and Vinny both punching him on different arms.

"Ow, leave the guns alone they're fully loaded," Mikey teased while flexing his left arm and kissing it gingerly "I know you want to feel them Mack" 

And that's how the rest of the night went. While this huge, insane party raged on around us, the eight of us all stayed secluded around the patio table, occasionally playing cards but mostly exchanging stories.

"Bye Madison, thanks for inviting us!" Two grogeous girls in matching bikinis came up the steps to the patio, each of them kissing him on a different cheek. I felt an uncomfortable as well as unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach, almost like I wanted to murder these two seemingly nice girls for no reason at all. I choked it up to my violent tendencies, swallowed down the feelings and went back to my conversation about lacrosse with Vinny.

"Really? You made varsity your freshman year of high school?" He asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I mean our team has never really been that good, but last year we were able to make it to states" I smiled, uncomfortable talking about the sport. I was dubbed a 'lacrosse prodigy' by the high school coach last year, landing me a spot on the varsity team my freshmen year. This did not go down all to well with the seniors, who made it well known that I didn't derserve it.

"Wow, maybe you can give that kind of success to the Manaplan team this year, were notorious for well...sucking" The both of us laughed lightly before I heard the familiar tune of my ringtone.

"Hey M, what's up?" I spoke into the phone.

"Mack!" I heard my three best friends scream, holding the phone far from my ear as I cringed. 

"Thanks for the permanent ear damage," I said and all I could hear on the other side of the line was hushed whispers. "Guys?"

"You need to come outside" I heard Brittany's voice, slightly static and muffled from bad connection.

"Right now!" Next I heard Nicole.

"You three are worrying me" I said skeptically as I rose from the patio chair, giving Vinny the one-minute signal and walking through the gate and across Madison's front lawn.

"Don't you fret my pet!" I heard Melinda's voice not only through the phone, but faintly as if it was standing right in front of me. I took my gaze off of my Vans, one of which was untied, and looked up to see my three best friends at my front door, viciously ringing the doorbell to an empty house.

I screeched inhumanly high, dropped my phone, and sprinted to the girls, who all whipped their heads around and had smiles stretched across their faces.

"What the hell are you all doing here?," I said as I hugged all of them "not that I mind" I laughed and hugged them all again, deeply missing them since my move.

"Well, your parents saw how sad you were right before the move," Nicole started.

"And in an attempt to make up for forcing you to leave your childhood home," Melinda continued.

"They convinced our parents to let us stay here for the entire summer!" Brittany shouted, patting the many, many suitcases that were casually laying in a pile on my front lawn. I screamed yet again, enveloping them all in a group hug before pulling them inside to unpack.

"This place is amazing!" Nicole said as she fell onto the king bed of the room she claimed for the summer.

"And look, you can see the sunset right from my window!" We both rushed into Brittany's room to watch the end to yet another beautiful summer day.

"Oh, I almost forgot," I exclaimed, ushering the three of them out of Brittany's room and out of the house as a whole "There's some people I think you would like to meet next door"

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