Chapter 3: Rock N Roll

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I love my brother.

But sometimes, he just fucking annoys me to death. I mean, just because he's older doesn't give him the right to boss me around like this.

Okay, well, he sort of does.

"We have a deal, Con."

I rolled my eyes as I laid my back on my bed in my dorm room. Thank God my roommate hit the library to get an early start, even though classes didn't really begin until Monday – next week.

It was only Sunday.

"Fuck that deal," I told Drew, my brother.

"When are you going to stop swearing in every fucking sentence? Geez, you talk like a goddamn dude."

I raised my eyebrow. "Not my fault if I grew up surrounded by fucking football players around the house."

I knew I was acting like a childish petty bitch, but there was just something about arguing with my brother that brought out the inner eight-year-old in me.

"Exactly," he said. "You need a new environment – away from all that shit. I want you to have some friends, people you can rely on and have memories with for the next four years that you'll be staying there. Maybe even the rest of your life, I don't know."

I opened my mouth to point out that I already have friends but he spoke again.

"Girl friends. Sisters."

My eyes narrowed as I sat up. "But me, joining a sorority? Really, Drew? Really?"

"You promised me you'd rush," he reminded me. "That was our deal. That's why you attended Rutgers instead of going to a community college like you originally planned."

"I didn't think you were serious!"

"Oh, I was – I am," he deadpanned. "I'm sick and tired of you getting in trouble because you act too much like someone with a dick. Be a fucking lady for once."

I held back the retort that was dying to come out because Drew was still my brother and I didn't want him to come all the way over here just to kick my ass, because he could and he definitely would.

"Even Dad agrees, and you know it."

There it was. The final blow.

I rubbed my face with my free hand and groaned. 

"I hate you."

"Love you, too."

I thought about it. We did have a deal, and I did agree to that deal.

I was supposed to go to a community college for the next two years and make my way to a university. I didn't wanna ask my brother for help, even if he was earning a shitload of money now. But he offered to pay for college, and hell if I was gonna pass that up.

Since he was my brother, I thought he was doing it out of the pure kindness of his heart. I didn't think the fucker had an ulterior motive. But he did. He had only one condition.

I had to join a fucking sorority.

I literally laughed and brushed it off. Never did it even cross my mind that he was serious about that shit. Turned out, he was serious as fucking hell.

Ah, whatever. It's not like I'll get a bid if I rushed. Wait a minute . . . If I don't get a bid, then I don't have to join a sorority. Drew will have to accept that I'm just not cut out for it.

Confident in my plan, I declared, "Fine, I'll rush."


"But only because I promised."

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