Chapter 16: Everything

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If you told me in high school that I would be coming in and out of a frat house like it was the most normal thing for me to do, I would've laughed in your face.

But that was exactly what I was doing as I entered the Aces Estate with Scout. I lost count how many times I've done this – most times because there was a party, half the time because we were going to hang out, and sometimes just because.

I practically knew the names of Scout's whole pledge class.

"Hey, freshman." Pike nodded to me as he walked by when Scout and I stepped foot in the foyer, using his personal nickname for me referencing the first night we met. Wiggling his eyebrows, he added suggestively, "Netflix and chill with Red, eh?"

"In the literal sense," I cleared up, despite knowing there was no use convincing them otherwise. They already made up their minds that Scout and I were doing the deed up there. We still corrected them anytime we could, though.

"Whatever you say," said Pike skeptically, shrugging as his laughter boomed in the hallway even after he left for another room.

"Don't mind him," Scout told me, lightly putting a hand on my back as we continued walking.

I snorted. "When did I ever?"

Scout chuckled at that, before leading me up the winding staircase. When we were at the second landing, we ran into Gaige and Brody. The latter's eyes lit up when he saw me.


I gave him a bored look. "Are we close?"

Gaige laughed and nodded to me. "Hey, Quicksilver."

I flinched. "You don't have to give everyone nicknames, you know."

"But it's fun."

I rolled my eyes, and unintentionally met Brody's. He looked like he wanted to tell me something, but didn't have the balls to say it. I would've urged him to spill it out, but I couldn't care less what he wanted to say.

It didn't matter, anyway, because he gathered up his balls and finally said, "If I asked you for Jamaica's number, would you give it to me?"

"You already know the answer to that," I replied, tilting my head.

His shoulders slumped and a sigh escaped his lips.

"In the weeks we've been hanging out, she never once gave you her number," I pointed out. "Why do you think I will?"

I didn't wait for him to answer that. I walked around him and continued ahead. I heard him let out a heavy breath.

"Worth a shot."

I glanced over my shoulder. Brody's head was cocked to the side, as he rubbed the back of his neck. Gaige was patting him on the back in encouragement while Scout slapped his arm, as if to cheer him up.

I had to admit, he looked really into Jamaica. I knew she felt the same way, even if she was being a tough nut about it. One day soon, she was going to tire him out and he'd just give up. And it would only be because she was playing too hard-to-get.

Then, she would regret it.

Before I could change my mind, I called out, "Try Madeline or Lilian. Actually, no – Better ask Lilian. Bring her some strawberries and she'll cave."

I might not have given him Jamaica's number per se, but I totally pointed him to someone who will. If he really wanted to get close to her, he'd make the effort and find a way. But honestly, I also didn't want to get blamed in case Jamaica asks the squad who gave her number away.

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