Chapter 20: Hanging By A Moment

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It had already been a week and Scout was still ignoring me. It would've been better if he was avoiding me, rather than pretending I didn't exist at all.

But then, who was I to complain?

I even tried to make casual talk with him after class last Monday but someone beat me to it. So I let him be.

I shook my head, getting rid of my thoughts. I didn't have time to overthink this. I had enough shit to worry about for the next couple of weeks. The midterms was upon us and I had a Philosophy exam to crush.

"Cons, back me up," called Jamaica.

I raised my head and saw three pairs of eyes looking at me expectantly. We were having an early dinner at the Brick to discuss our group mission that was given to us earlier this week. The initiation day was at the end of the month. We needed to pull off a successful philanthropy event before then.

With the midterms, group mission, and parents weekend coming up, I had no time for boy trouble. I needed to focus.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Jamaica nodded to Lilian, who was quietly eating her onion rings. "She wants to go as Professor Trelawney tonight. Help me convince her not to."

Lilian only shrugged, like she already made up her mind.

Oh, yeah. It was Halloween tonight.

"I don't see anything wrong with that," I said truthfully.

I honestly wasn't even surprised with her costume choice. It was just like her to pick something out of the box. Besides, I had no doubt that she could probably find half of the Harry Potter character's clothes in her closet. Talk about practical.

Lilian clapped and giggled, while Jamaica's jaw dropped.

"Are you serious? We're going to a frat party. She's gotta flaunt her stuff!"

"If she's looking to hook up, then I'll advise against it." I turned to Lilian, tilting my head. "Do you wanna hook up with someone tonight?"

"Absolutely not," she answered confidently.

"There you go," I muttered, raising a dismissive hand.

Jamaica sighed. "Fine, I give up."

I smirked, before asking her, "Who are you going as, anyway?"

"Catwoman," she answered, wiggling her eyebrows.

I nodded appreciatively. "Nice."

I already felt bad for the guys that were going to lust after her tonight wearing nothing but leather. Good luck to Brody with all those competition.

"What about you, Mads?" Jamaica asked Madeline, who was busy munching on her burger. I was still amazed with the appetite this girl had.

Without skipping a beat, she answered, "Cleopatra. The costume was delivered this week."

Jamaica whistled, impressed. Lilian looked at me, waiting for me to reveal mine. I shook my head in amusement.

"Vampire," I said simply.

It was lowkey and effortless. All I needed was red contact lenses and makeup. I had plenty of black clothes to wear so I had no problem in that department.

"We are gonna rock it tonight," sang Jamaica. When her eyes wandered to Lilian, she pouted. "Can we at least make Professor Trelawney sexy?"

Lilian laughed. "If we did that, I wouldn't be Professor Trelawney anymore, would I?"

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