Chapter 22: You Don't Know

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My dad didn't show up.

I wasn't sure which was worse, the possibility of me repeating Philosophy next semester (I failed my fucking midterms) or my dad not bothering to visit me here.

Funny, I seriously thought he'd come to Parents Weekend here at KPK. I knew I wasn't his favorite child, but still.

I should've known better.

Thank God, the squad was handling the group mission like pros. They let me handle the little stuff, like talking to sponsors and emailing back and forth with the events team. Honestly, I couldn't concentrate with all the shit that was happening to me right now. But that much, I could do.

A couple of girls passed by, looking at me and whispering. I was sitting in the middle of the front lawn of the KPK house, getting some fresh air. I raised an eyebrow at them, daring them to say something to my face.

After seeing my expression, they squeaked and hurried away.


I pulled out my phone and checked my instagram, mostly out of boredom. A lot of people had been tagging me everywhere, telling me I was a slut, a gold digger, a two-timer.

Funny how they were all basing this off a couple measly stolen shots that didn't even really prove anything. They weren't even remotely fucking scandalous.

But I guess they were bored out of their goddamn minds and lapped up a stupid as shit rumor. Some even kept telling me I didn't deserve Scout.

It was getting old.

And while reading those kind of comments wasn't great, I'd be lying if I said that they didn't affect me even a little bit. I didn't need them to tell me I didn't deserve Scout. I knew that already.

He deserved someone sweet, caring, and proper. He deserved someone who'd bring him sunshine on his cloudy days, not me who'd bring on the storm instead.

I checked my private messages. Still no news from Frisco. I stopped asking him for daily updates a few days ago. If he had something, I knew he'd tell me right away.

Suddenly, I received a notification that Drew just posted a new photo. Wanting to see something that would at least brighten my already shitty day, I clicked on it.

It was a photo of him... and Dad.

Dad went to see him. He took a flight to see Drew, couldn't even be bothered to drive a couple of hours to check on me. Not even give me a text.


Drew looked so happy.

He didn't know.

He had no idea that Dad was supposed to meet me for Parents Weekend. He had no idea that Dad never once reached out to me to ask how I was doing. He had no idea that Dad didn't love me as he loved him.

Tears escaped and rolled down my cheeks before I could blink them away. I quickly wiped my face dry before anyone had the chance to see, which was unlikely as everybody was inside with their families.

I took deep breaths, willing myself to calm the fuck down and keep the tears at bay. I wouldn't break down in public. No fucking way.

Without thinking too much about it, I shot to my feet and left the KPK house. There was no point staying, the sun was setting and everyone else was busy.

I headed to one of the pubs in town, the one where middle-aged locals went to. I didn't want to run into any familiar faces. I just wanted to get away.

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