Part 4

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I awoke a little on the tired side.  I closed my eyes and reopened them a few times before I finally opened them completely.  Nothing has changed from what I could see.  Still the same room, lying on the same bed, unable to sit up. The straps still tightly around me, keeping me in place. The room seemed to become more dim, as the sunlight shined through the shades of the window.  I looked up at the door, seeing it shut but not completely.  It cracked open, showing a bit of the hallway, where brighter lights shined through.  I didn't hear any voices from the outside, didn't see any shadows either.  I plopped my head back on the pillow as I finally sighed, a calming sigh.  I closed my eyes, as I heard shifting in the room, but didn't hear any voices. After the shifting followed the sounds of feet, inching their way closer to me.  Finally, Subaru stood over me, watching me with yet another, impatient face.  "You done with your little tantrum there?" he asked, while the anger filled his voice.  I gulped as I started breathing heavily again, trying to keep myself relaxed. I faced the celling as I let my head nestle onto the pillow under it.

Subaru placed his hand on top of my head again, as he started rubbing my forehead.  Once again, his hand was cold, and it felt a little soothing against my skull, which made me relax even more.  The coolness started to eat the pain away. "You finally given up? Can we continue, or in your case, get started?" he said, in a grumpy tone of voice. I sighed as I moved my head to face the other side of the room.  I didn't even want to see what he was going to do.  I tried to focus on the designs in the wall, as something cold pressed against my neck, shifting the collar around it.  The band jingled, making the pounding come back into motion. I squinted from the pain, as his hands slipped out and all the noise stopped.  "Alright" he said, as he shifted to look at the door.  "Where is Reiji?" he asked aloud, but I thought it was to himself. Subaru huffed as he walked towards the wall with the counter, and pulled out a bowl and a rag.  He stuck the bowl under the sink, and started to fill it with warm water. Steam started to rise from the sink, as the sound of the faucet filled the silent room. I didn't watch, seeing how I was too sore to move anything. 

Subaru walked back with the bowl and rag, and placed it on the table next to him. I watched the steam rising from the  bowl, as it flew up to the ceiling, then disappearing into it. I watched Subaru look at the door, as it opened.  He snickered at the person that just entered. "What took you so long?" he growled, at the newcomer.  "Sorry.  I went to the front for something, then Laito stopped me" Reiji's voice spoke as the door shut, but it didn't lock this time.  Subaru huffed as he moved out of Reiji's way.  "Ok, we are ready I think" he said, as he moved my arm a bit.  He undid one of the straps as he lifted my hand, and pressed two of his fingers on the veins.  He stood in his position for a few minutes, then let go.  "I think she'll be fine. She's moving around by the looks of it" Subaru said to Reiji.  Subaru sounded like he had enough.  Maybe he was just angry because I was giving a hard time before.  Reiji huffed before he spoke. "I wasn't feeling for her heart, I was trying to find out if her blood was still flowing properly" he said, as he looked at the table next to him.

He took out a little white cloth, that looked like it was wet.  He pressed the cloth into the inside of my elbow, and whipped the skin off.  After he was done, Subaru handed him a little tool that looked like a bottle.  It had a tube with an attached needle to the other end.  I knew it, they were taking blood.  "This might hurt" he said, as a tiny pinch entered through my skin. I jolted as I gasped and started to breath more heavily. It hurt more than just a pinch.  The pain was more like he stabbed me with some kind of knife.  "Stay still, your fine" Subaru whispered, as he started rubbing my shoulder for comfort.  The pain started to become numb, as Reiji held the needle still in place.  I felt some type of liquid flowing from my vain, making my arm became weaker.  "Stay still, I'm almost done" Reiji said, as he studied my face.  Subaru looked at what he was doing , growing even more grumpier.  "Good grief Reiji, how much blood do we need to sample?" he asked, as he huffed.  Reiji ignored his comment, and focused on what he was doing.  "Almost done" he said, not directly to anyone. Reiji looked at me for a moment.  His red eyes studied my face, and also looked into mine.  "She seems to be doing just fine at the moment. Just stay calm and hold still, we're just about done" he said, as he looked back at what he was doing.

A few more seconds of waiting, and the needle started moving again.  Reiji was pulling it out so gently, and slowly.  He gave Subaru the syringe, which was full with about a pint of my blood.  I studied the blackish red liquid, as it splashed back in forth in the tube.  The blood made me get a sickening feeling to my stomach, as I felt like passing out.  I wasn't really good around blood. I always felt nauseous for some reason, even if it was fake.  Reiji clumped a ball of some type of material, as he pressed it where the needle lied.  He picked up some clear tape, as he pressed it onto the material, which held it in place.  "Alright, I guess we're done for now" Reiji said, as he picked up a tray, and walked to the counter on the other part of the room. I lied my head down on the rest, still settling my stomach.  

Subaru looked at me, examining the spot where he took the blood.  "How you feeling?" he asked as he met my face. I moaned, not able to think of something to say. Subaru huffed as he walked over to the sink, and rummaged into one of the cupboards.  He pulled out a little plastic cup and filled it with water.  Finally he walked back over, and lifted me up off of the bed. "Here, this should help" he said as he pressed the cup against my lip, letting the water enter my mouth.  The water was cold and refreshing, as it flowed down my throat.  Imedantly, I felt better and not so sick. The clanking of tools entered the room, as it drifted away the silence. A sigh came from the sink. "Alright, I think we're done for now. Just make sure she get's enough rest, and page me if you need anything" Reiji spoke, as he took some things and left the room, shutting the door behind him. 

Subaru huffed as he leaned over me again.  "Feeling any better?" he asked, with a curious look on his face.  I sighed, as I shifted in the bed, then tried to sit up.  A wave of nausea came over me, overpowering me with a feeling of weakness.  I yawned, feeling all the stress flow out of my body, replacing it with tiredness.  Yui crossed my mind again, as I started to wonder.  "What Yui?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't put me asleep again.  "Like you were told before, you shouldn't be worried about your sister.  She's in good hands, and she'll be fine" he replied with. I sat there as I yawned, not saying anything else.  "I need to get out of here.  I needed to get Yui out of here" I thought to myself, as I started drifting back into tiredness.  "I think rest would be a great thing for you at the moment.  You have been getting stressed out lately.  Feel free to go back to sleep."  My head started pounding for a third time, as the room started to spin around me.  Subaru leaned in over me as he started to look at me.  "You feeling ok?" he asked, as I shut my eyes, and crashed into sleep, even though I didn't want to.  One last thought entered my mind, before it completely went blank.  What happened to Yui?

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