Part 18

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I awoke to movement in the room.  I moaned a bit as the door creaked a bit, and then the room fell silent.  I looked up seeing the door halfway shut, showing a bit of the hallway outside the room. It was dim in my room with a light shining in the hallway. I sat there watching the door, as I started to wonder.  "Did someone come in just now?" I thought to myself as I sat up in bed.  I put the cat down next to me, when I notice a glass of water and a note sitting right next to me.  I looked back at the door, then again at the nightstand, as I picked up the note.  I studied the writing as I read the note. Sam, I made dinner for when your up and ready to eat.  Don't feel rushed but it would be good if you joined us for supper.  Reiji.

I put the note down, as I looked up at the glass in confusion.  "Why did he leave me water?  I thought he was going to force me blood" I thought to myself, while I picked up the glass. I swished it around for a moment, as I just studied it.  It splashed against the glass sides, and some came out onto my hand. I didn't bother wiping off.  I slowly sipped the water, getting a weird taste in my mouth.  Water wasn't even refreshing to me anymore. It left an unexplainable taste that was not good, not one bit.  I scrunch my face for a moment at the taste, then put the glass back down on the nightstand.  I sighed, as I looked at Yui's stuffed cat.  I sighed as I picked it up, and clenched it to my chest.  "Oh pancake" I said, with a slight sigh.  I rubbed the cat a few times on the head, as I calmed myself.  I put the cat back on the nightstand as I got up, stretched and left the room.  

I walked into the living room, seeing it empty and silent.  Not even Yui's doctor was sitting on the couch.  I squinted my eyes in confusion, thinking of where everyone went.  I silently walked into the living room, examining the silent room.  I kept having the feeling that something would jump out at me, but I didn't know for sure. I looked around the room, seeing the tv shut off and every chair was empty.  No notes or anything to tell me where they might be.  "Am I all alone in here?" I asked myself, continuing to enter the room. I turned around to look back where I came from, when I bumped into something.  I jumped as I whipped around in fear, finding Subaru there, watching me with worry.  "Shh, calm down. I was just comming to check on you before I went for supper" he said, as he placed a hand on my shoulder.  "So that's where they were?" I thought to myself. I relaxed as I stood there, and looked around some more.  Subaru didn't say anything, just watched me look around.  "Is something wrong?" he asked, in a worried tone again.  I shook my head, but still looked around confused.  "Um, where is everyone?" I asked him.  Subaru sighed as he motioned me to follow.  "We're getting ready to eat.  Follow me, I'll show you where to go" he said, as we walked through the apartment.

As I followed, I kept going to the thought of the surgeons finding me here.  Are we even safe in this place?  I cleared my voice as I spoke. "Um, Subaru. What is this place?" I said, forgetting where we were.  Subaru huffed as he spoke.  "You must've forgot but we're still in the clinic.  This is what we call a lockdown apartment.  It's where we go when we're done with work."  I looked at him in confusion.  "So you live in the clinic? Is this like your home?"    Subaru chuckled slightly.  "Well kinda.  We don't live here, unless in a situation like this, where a patient needs the help."  I looked at him, as I wondered to myself.  I continued to follow him through the apartment as we walked down a hallway. We ended up at a little doorway with no door.  Subaru waved me on as he entered the room, with me following behind him.  We went into a dining room with a long table, with plates and different dishes on it. The rest of the group started to surround it, as Reiji came in with another bowl of something. He put it on the table, as he looked up.  "Oh good. She's up" he said, cracking somewhat of a smile. I looked at Subaru as he waved me over to a spot, which was next to him.  I sat, as I started grabbing stuff with the rest of them.

Reiji cleared his voice as he spoke.  "Sam, please take your time. You haven't ate any meals in a while, so you might feel a little sick to this. Plus vampires have different tastes, that your going to get used to eventually."  I nodded as I started to eat.  I did as he told me to, and ate slowly.  A sickening feeling started to grow within my stomach. I put my fork down as I looked down at the floor, feeling like throwing up, right there and then. It started to grow slowly, then hit me all at once, when I finally ate. I heard Subaru shift, as he pressed his hand on my back.  "You feeling sick?" he asked.  I nodded as I lowered my head.  I was having the same sickening feeling from when I was with the surgeons, only my head wasn't spinning like before.  A chair moved as he helped me out of my chair.  "Come on, let's go for a walk" he said, as we got up and moved out of the room to the bathroom.  The bathroom was all white and a little window above the toilet.  Subaru knelt me down in front of it, as he patted my back.

I felt a wave of nausea again as I started to throw up.  It started as regular human vomit, but then started turning a pinkish color.  Subaru sighed as he walked to the other side of the room.  "Want some air?" he asked, as he cracked the window that was above the tub.  It was just a small square window, but it cooled the bathroom down like it was bigger. I could feel a cool breeze brush against my face, making it more comfortable. I started coughing as I finally gave in to the sickness.  More pink liquid came out of me, getting darker in shade.  Eventually it turned completely red, which made me continue. I looked at it some more, as I took a little break then started all over again.  I stared at the red liquid.  "Is this blood?" I thought to myself, as I went to sit up.  I heard Subaru moved around me as the door opened.  "Stay here, and relax.  I'm going to get Reiji" he said, as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.  I looked down, trying to settle the sickness but nothing worked.

I continued to throw up, as I felt the blood rush right out of me.  The more I coughed up blood, the more weaker I felt.  I started to sit up, while I leaned back against the wall.  I lied a little bit, trying to keep the blood within me, which worked for a little bit.  I closed my eyes, and reopened them,  seeing the room spinning in front of me.  The spinning room made me dizzy by the minute.  I didn't understand what was going on at the moment, but it wasn't good. The door opened, as muffled footsteps entered the room, and Reiji stood above me.  I looked up at him, as he watched me with a stern look on his face. He didn't say anything at first, just watched me. I leaned back over and started throwing up again. I heard shifting as a hand was placed on my back again. "It's ok, don't fight it" he repeated silently.  I lifted my head as I thought to myself.  "Why did this have to happen, Yui" I thought  as I gently rested my head on the seat.  The seat felt cool, which helped with the sickening feeling.  I started feeling light headed as the room started to spin slowly around me.  "It's going to be alright.  This is normal" Reiji said, as I closed my eyes, passing out from the blood loss.

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