Part 25

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I followed Reiji throught the mantion, until he stopped in front of a door.  He sighed as he turned towards the door, and knocked on it three times.  We waited patently as he finally jingled some keys then opened the door.  He turned to me, as he spoke.  "This is where you'll be staying for the time being.  Your aloud to relax and do what you like.  Come find anyone of us if you need anything.  And Jackson should be around if you need him for anything."  I nodded as I watched him walk past me and left the hallway.  I huffed as I opened the door, seeing a pinkish room.  It had a bed with purple bedding with Yui's stuffy lying on it.  Next to the bed was a little birrow, that sat the rest of my stuff from the hospital next to it.  I looked over to the other side of the room, seeing a window and a white bench in front of it.  Lying on the bed was a big clump of fur, which caught my attention.  "Was this the dog, everyone was talking about?" I thought to myself, as I silently shut the door.

I took a huff as I walked over to my bag, and unzipped it.  I started pulling out the things in it, and placing them throught the room.  I huffed as I heard gingling on the bed with the fur.  I looked over, seeing a tan german shepard.  It was a large dog, with tan fur and a big black spot on it's back.  It had a black wet nose, and crystal blue eyes, just like Shu's.  I studied the dog, as it studied me back.  "Why hello.  You must be their dog" I said to the Shepard, as I smiled and went back to what I was doing.  The dog staired at me as it started wagging it's tail.  "So you must be that new developing vamp" a voice said, which made me stop packing.   I looked up at the wall across from me in confusion.  I thought I just heard something, but it wasn't a normal voice.  It was in my head, like I was thinking, but it wasn't my voice.  It was a kid's voice, around my age if not older.  I looked behind me as I thought to myself.  "Hello?" I asked aloud, as the room fell silent.  I looked at the dog on the bench, as it stared at me, with warm eyes.  I huffed as I looked back at the door.  "Did you hear anything?" I asked the dog, hopeing it would bark. 

The dog started wagging it's tail, as the voice came back.  "No, just the thumping of my happiness" it said quickly. I jolted in fear, as I put down my shirt, and started to look around the room.  "Ok guys, not funny.  Please come out and show yourself" I said, as I examined the room, seeing nothing but the dog, getting up from the window bench and walking closer.  I looked at the dog in confusion.  I studied it's eyes, noticing that the dog had ice blue eyes, just like Shu did.  It wasn't normal dog eyes, which was strange. "What's with your eyes?" I asked the dog, as it cocked it's head in confusion.  "What? Something wrong with them?" the voice said, now in the dog's direction, but it was still in my head.  My eyes widened as I screamed out of reaction.  My voice pounded in my head, making it thump harder.  I held my head as I paced around the room.  "No, no the dog's not talking to me. Sam you just need some sleep" I repeated to myself as I paced back and forth.  The dog just sat down, as it watched me.  Finally, the voice in my head spoke again.  "If you don't want me in, then i'll leave. Sorry for scaring you" the voice said, as the dog nuged my hand and left.  I shook my head, as I watched the dog leave.  "Something's not right.  Need to talk to Reiji" I said as I left my room, shutting the door behind me.

I walked further down the hall, to a door that shown some type of library.  I heard Reiji's voice speak, but not anyone returned.  I slowed down as I lisened to what he was saying. "And why did you not leave her alone? I told both you and Jackson to leave her alone for now" Reiji said, in a aggravated tone of voice.  The room was silent again.  I walked up to the door slowly as I knocked, even though it was open.  "Who is it?" he asked, stopping his conversation.  "It's Sam.  I need to talk to you and soon" I said, more in a panic, scared of what the voice in my head was.  Reiji sighed as I heard a thump.  "Alright come in" he said, as I stepped into the room.  The german shepard got up and left the room, but Reiji stopped it.  "Axel stay with us" Reiji  said, as the dog turned around to look at him.  The dog patted up to him as it sat by Reiji's side. Reiji looked at me as he singed. "Sorry, come in Sam.  What's the matter?" he asked, as I walked into the room more. "Um, your dog was in my room earlier,  and I heard a voice talk to me in my head" I said, hopeing I didn't sound crazy. 

Reiji shook his head as he looked at the dog.  "You were on her bed?" Reiji asked the dog.  The dog looked at me, as it whimpered.  "I just wanted to say hi. I didn't realize it was going to this girl" the dog said to Reiji, but the voice was in my head.  My eyes widened as I gasped, and started to back up.  Both Reiji and the dog looked my way, confused.  "Something wrong Sam?" Reiji asked, in confusion.  I shook my head. "I just heard the voice again like before" I said, hopeing I wasn't  going crazy.  Reiji cracked a smile, followed by a tiny chuckle.  "Sam relax, it's just Axel" he said, petting the dog on the head.  I watched as he scratched the dog's ear, making the dog fall on the floor.  "Now the stomach, please Father?" it asked in my head again. My eyes widened as I looked from the dog, to Reiji.

"Reiji. The thing about the dog you mentioned earlier.  Was it that it talked?"  Reiji looked up from the dog in confuision, but it lightened up a bit.  "Oh, that's what I wanted to tell you.  It's been a while since we've been home, but yeah. He talks telepathically" he said as he stopped petting the dog.  He pointed to me as he spoke.  "Axel, meet Sam.  She's a guest and a pacient. Sam, this is my other son, Axel" Reiji said, as the dog rubbed up against me.  "Nice to meet you Sam" it said, as it started licking my hand.  I patted Axel on the head as I looked up at Reiji.  "So, you have two kids?" I asked, getting even more confused.  Reiji nodded as he pushed up his glasses.  "Yes.  Axel is my oldest.  I was working on a experiment.  He volenteared to test it, and the next morning, he woke up as a telepathically speaking dog" he explalined.  I looked back at Axel as he wagged his tail, then looked back up at Reiji.  "I'm going to annoy Uncle Shu" he said, as he walked out of the room.  I watched Axel walk out of the room, but my attention was caught by Reiji.  "Sam, we need to discuss some things.  Please, shut the door and make yourself comfortable" he said, as he took out a tea pot, and a couple of cups.

I respectfully walked over and sat in the other chair across from him.  He picked up the tea pot, and poured this red tea into the two cups, one near him and the other near me.  "You like tea?" he asked, as he put the ketel down on  a little burner.  I nodded as he handed me one of the cups. I sipped off of it, tasting the sweet taste of blood.  I put the cup back on the little tray and smiled. "This is nice, thank you" I said, as I looked at him, waiting for what he had to say. Reiji cleared his voice as he spoke.  "Alright, you know that Mukami's are after you.  So in order to stay safe, I want you staying in the house, until things die down for a while.  I won't experament on you for a while, but I do want you  to relax, and not get overly stressed.  The more you turn into a vampire, might get a little painful.  But by living here, you'll be able to complete the change.  You just got to keep fighting.  Can you do that for me?" he asked, as he watched me in confusion.  I nodded as I sighed.

I looked out the giant window as I looked at the moon.  It was a cresent shape that shined brightly in the light.  I sighed as Yui crossed my mind.  I slouched in my chair as I continued to look out the window.  I sipped my tea as I just watched the clouds drift across the sky, covering the cresent of white, from the night sky.  I thought I saw a white cloud, in the shape of Yui, which brought tears in my eyes.  I took another sip of the tea, as I thought.  "This reminds me of Yui's blood."  I looked at the tea, feeling Reiji stare at me.  "Reiji?" I said breaking the silence.  Reiji poured another cup of tea for himself.  "What is it?"  I cleared my voice with another sip of the tea.  "Am I going to be safe here?" I asked, knowing that he might not know the answer to it.  Reiji sighed as he thought.  "I think you will be. Just stay in the house until your told otherwise, and it'll be safe."  I nodded as we both sat there in silence, I was sipping my tea and looking out the window.  Reiji was looking down at his pot, holding his cup in his hand.  I looked at Reiji once more as I spoke.  "Reiji" I said, grabbing his attention. "What is it?" he asked, sounding a little frustraited with me.  I cleared my voice as I spoke.  "Um, I wanted to thank you for all the help since Yui's passing.  It's meaning a lot" I said, looking up at him.  He sat there with a stern look on his face, as he watched me.  "Your welcome.  Just relax and we'll continue to figure out what's going on with you from here" he said, as he silenced the conversation.  At that moment, we sat there, drinking tea in silence.  This is where the story ends, as another adventure awaits.

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