Part 17

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We walked to a single door that looked like a smaller door to a regular room.  "We're here" he said, as he faced me.  I sat there as he walked to the door, and pulled out a little card, which reminded me as a credit card. It didn't look like a credit card, but more like a drivers license. He swiped it in the scanner as the door unlocked, and we entered the room.  We sat in a small entrance way before entering the room. It was like a little dome that hovered over us. The top of the room was rounded, catching the sound and muffling it immediately.  It was pitch black in the room until the door closed behind us.  Once the door was shut, a red light shined dimly in the room, making everything a bright blood red. The light made me a little uncomfortable, but I knew I had to trust him. "Relax, he just saved your life" I thought to myself, as a sound came on the scanner next to the red light.  "Who is it?" a tired voice said.  I recognized the voice as I thought to myself.  "Could this be Yui's doctor? She said he sounded tired."  Kanato cleared his voice as he spoke.  "It's Kanato.  I got Sam with me.  She's safe."  I felt him look at me, but I was too scared to face him.  He nudged me as he spoke, waiting for something to happen. "It's alright. Remember your safe here" he said, as muffling came upon the speaker, and the door clicked.  "It's open.  Come on in" the tired voice said, as Kanato opened the door.  He smiled as he waved me on, and we entered the room.

It was a giant room, with a bed in the far corner of the room.  A desk sat next to it, with tools and different things on it.  A tall mirror looking light, was connected to the bed, but it wasn't on.  Next to that was a door that looked like it went somewhere, but I didn't know where.  On the other side of the room had a couple of couches, surrounding a coffee table, and a tv which was mounted on the wall. Two vampires sat there, watching the tv.  One had a hat with long red hair under it.  He sat with  one of his arms hung on the back of the couch, as he leaned back in his seat.  The other one was Yui's former nurse, Ayato.  The first vampire looked over at me, as he grew a smile.  Ayato lifted from the couch as he smiled, then walked over.  When he got up to us, he pulled me into a hug, and tightened his arms comfortably around me.  "Good thing Kanato got there in time" he said, as he sounded like he was in a panic.  He lifted up off me, as he looked me in the eye.  "Did they hurt you at all?" he asked, his voice growing with anger. I shook my head as I thought. "No, just a little, but not much" I said, trying to get him to settle down.  "For all I can see, they didn't do anything" Kanato said, as he glared at me.  I heard a bang behind Ayato as Subaru appeared, pushing Ayato out of the way.  "Su" I went to say, but stopped when he pulled me into a tight hug.  "Thank goodness" he said, as his arms tightened up even more.

My eyes widened as I sat there in thought.  "He was this worried about me being gone?" I thought to myself, as he loosened his arms, and faced me.  He was now getting a little more angry with me. "I thought I told you to stay in that room" he said, with a strict tone to his voice.  I sat there in fear of what he might try to do.  Did he really want to hurt me?  I sighed, as I lowered my head before speaking.  "I'm sorry Subaru.  I was tricked into thinking that a cure was in the process" I said, feeling ashamed of upsetting him.  "How much did they take" A strong voice said, as Reiji joined us.  "Enough to make me pass out.  Then I woke up in a different room, where they told me I couldn't leave" I said, scared of what would happen now.  Reiji didn't look happy, not one bit.  "Do you feel weak at all?" he asked, his arms crossed with anger.  I sat there in thought.  "Not really weak, but more sick than anything.  They tried to make me drink blood, but I kept having memories of killing Yui, so I refused."  Reiji huffed as he pushed up his glasses.  "What are they up to now?" he asked, more to himself then to anyone.   He sighed as he spoke.  "Alright, let's go, I need to show you a few things" he said, as he turned to Subaru.  "She'll be fine.  Take some time off for now.  I'll let you know when you'll be needed" Reiji said, as he started walking away.  Subaru placed his hand on my shoulder as he spoke. "Take it easy Sam.  This is a safe place" he said as he walked off in a totally different area. I watched him, but Reiji's voice cut me off.  "Sam, please follow me" he said, as he continued walking off.  I nodded as I followed him, not knowing where we were going.

We walked to the father side of the room, as we entered a little hallway.  We walked down the hallway, as we stopped in front of a door. Reiji unlocked a room as he opened the door and turned a light on. "Please enter.  This will be your room for the time that we're in here. Feel free to come and go as you please.  Your allowed to hang with us in the first room we entered.  We'll stay here until it's time to leave" he said, as he took a break from speaking. I turned to Reiji, confused about the thought of leaving.  "Leave?" I asked, which caught his attention.  Reiji nodded.  "We'll leaving the hospital and going to our mansion.  We'll stop at your house for you to pack your things.  You'll live with us from now on. If that's alright with you" he said, giving me more of his focus.  I nodded as I stayed silent. Reiji nodded as he sighed. "Alright get some rest.  Feel free to come settle in the first room when you want.  Just don't leave this part of the hospital, especially alone" he said as he walked out, leaving me in the new room alone.

I sighed as I looked around the room.  It had a bed, and desk in it.  A small closet was in the room, with the few clothes that I packed when I went home last.  I looked around, seeing Yui's stuffy sitting on the bed, looking at the door.  I smiled as I went and sat on the bed, then pet the cat.  I looked around the room, as I sighed, accepting the protected feeling of the part of the hospital.  I lied on my bed in thought about the whole situation.  "Why did this happen to me Yui?" I asked myself. I rolled over to face the wall, as a tear started rolling off my face.  It dripped down my cheek and hit the pillow below me.  I sat there sobbing silently to myself, as I got too tired and fell asleep, still clench the cat tightly to my chest.

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