Part 13

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When we got back, I went into my assigned room, and lied on the bed. It didn't look any different at all.  The only thing was the room had less equipment and more space to move around.  The bed was in the same spot as always, with the leash hung on the wall.  A small table was next to the bed, in place of a nightstand. I placed the photo album on the table next to me, pushing it so that it stayed on the table.  I lied on the bed and placed the stuffed cat on my stomach, as I examined it. I brushed it's head gently, feeling it's soft fur.  I did different things like move its front paws like it was talking, which made Yui believed that it actually talked.   I looked more closely at the orange marble eyes, that glowed every time the light hit it just right.  I moved both of the legs up and down as I spoke in a funny tone.  "Give me milk" I said, making the stuffy look like it was demanding it. I started having a flashback of when I gave it to Yui.  "Now Yui, this is my cat.  I adopted it from a store. Can you look after her for me?" my voice, echoed through my head.  Three year old Yui nodded as her reply.   My past self nodded as I looked at her.  "Ok, but I think you should name her, seeing how she's going to be your cat" my voice echoed, as I pictured myself looking at Yui, seeing her bright red eyes shining with happiness. "Let's name it pancake" her voice squeaked as she reached for the kitty.  I handed her the kitty, as I watched her squeeze it with happiness.  "Let's go make your bed, pancake" she said, as she left with her new stuffed cat.

I smiled as I lied there, examining the cat with a smile on my face.  I felt something wet run down my cheek, as I sniffled in happyness from the memory.  "Why you have to go Yui?" I asked myself, as I clenched the cat to my chest, and looked up at the ceiling. The tears continued to flow down my cheek, making me close my eyes.  I rolled on my side, clenching the cat tighter, as I tried to get some sleep.  A few sobs were released as I sat there in silence.  I felt like it made everything better, knowing that I had a something that reminded me of Yui.  The silence was broken, as someone knocked on my door.  "Sam, it's Subaru. Can I come in?" Subaru's voice spoke through the door.  I sat up in bed, as I put the cat on the bed next to me. "It's open" I said, as I made myself comfortable.  Subaru opened the door, as he walked in.  He joined me by pulling up a chair next to the bed, as he looked at the cat himself.  "Your having a hard time with this" he said, more as a fact than a question. I nodded as I just watched the cat in silence.  Another tear fell down my cheek, as I started to cry silently to myself. He didn't do anything at first, just watched me cry.  We sat in silence for a while, neither one of us spoke.  Subaru huffed as he shifted in his seat.  "You want anything?" he asked, breaking the silence.  I shook my head, not knowing what else to say to him.

He huffed as he started getting up. "I'll let you have some alone time" he said, as he started walking, but I stopped him.  "Can you sit here with me? I don't want to be alone at the moment" I asked. Knowing him, he probably would've got someone else to.  Surprisingly, he sat back down and stayed without a problem.  Silence fell in the room again, as Subaru spoke.  "Killing someone you love is hard, isn't it?" he asked.  I shook my head, getting frustrated by the comment. "How would you know?  It's not like you killed anyone before" I said, as I studied the cat more.  Subaru huffed, as he placed a foot on the bed.  "Actually, I killed my mom" he said, then fell silent.  The comment grabbed my attention, as I looked at him.  I kept silent, but I gave him my full attention.  "Just like you I didn't want to, but sometimes it's for the best" he finished with.  I slouched back in my seat as I thought.  "He really did know how I felt" I thought to myself, as I started to think about my own family.  I was turning into a vampire, so I couldn't go back to my own family. My mom and dad wouldn't want a vampire in the family, I would be known as a threat. I thought about how I would end up in this situation earlier, if I stayed with them.  

"Did they know?" I said aloud, hoping Subaru heard me.  "You say something Sam?" he asked, looking my way. I cleared my throat from the sadness, as I spoke more.  "My mom and dad. Did they know I was turning into a vampire?"  Subaru nodded as he kept silent. "Yeah. To be honest we wanted you taken here sooner, but they refused it. Knowing that a vampire in the house would be a good thing for them."  I looked up at Subaru confused by his answer.  How did he know all this? I cleared my throat before I spoke.  "Subaru, did you know it sooner?" I asked him, even though that it was a confusion question.  Subaru nodded then shrugged.  "Kinda.  Reiji knew more than the rest of us did.  The rest of us followed his path."  He took a small pause, then jolted up like he remembered something.   "I should probably go see what Reiji is up to.  You just rest, unless you need me for anything" he said, as he stood up and turned to me.  I shook my head, not thinking of anything.  Subaru huffed as he nodded.  "Alright, I'll be back soon.  Listen, if anyone tells you different, don't leave this room with anyone without permission from Reiji or myself, alright?"  I nodded, knowing that all I could get was some sleep.  Subaru nodded as he huffed.  "Alright, get some rest and I'll be back in a little bit" he said, as he left the room, shutting the door behind him.  I sighed as I looked at the stuffed cat.  "I'm going to be alright Yui.  Don't worry anymore" I said to myself, talking like Yui is still alive.  I smiled for the first time since Yui's death, as I lied on my bed staring at the cat, while my eyes started feeling heavy.  I yawned with tiredness, as I curled up into a ball, and slowly found myself falling asleep, trying to get some rest.

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