Part 20

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I walked out into the main part of the apartment. It was a combanation room of a kitchen and a living room.  It had a sink, fridge, stove and a table on one of the ends of it.The tile floor was spread all around this part of the room, making it look like some type of game board.  The table was a somewhat small, oval table that was made out of an oak styled wood, that was painted white.  The sink had a white marble counter top, that bordered a bit on the wall.  A fridge was on the far side of the counter, right on the border of the living room and kitchen.  I looked over on the other side of the room, where Ayato now sat, seeing a black couch, and white side tables on both sides.  A matching recliner sat on the far side of the room, sitting in the corner of the wall. A flat screen tv sat on the other side of the room, hovering over a tiny fire plalce, that was built into the wall.

I sat there examining the room in silence.  I looked around the room, studying the textured walls, and a little hallway that I just noticed on the far side of the room. I sat there in confusion as a hand was placed on my head.  "You feeling better Sam?" a tired voice spoke, making me jump in my place.  I looked up seeing a tired looking man.  He had bright blue eyes, that strangly felt haunting.  He had short blond hair that hung in his face, but not enough to cover his eyes. He wore a jacket that drapped over his shoulders.  I looked up at him, feeling a little scared of him.  He didn't crack a smile, but he looked a little happy to see me.  "Um, yeah I am" I said, trying to be as polight as possible.   He sighed as he spoke again.  "I heard that they finally got blood into you, which is good."  I nodded again, as I didn't know what to say. "Yeah. I guess" I said not knowing what to say to this newcomer. I jumped when I notice Reiji standing on the other side of me, looking back and forth between us.   Reiji was looking a bit confused, as his eyes widdened.  Finally, he clered his voice while he pushed his glasses up.

"Sam, I would like to introduce you to Shu.  He was Yui's doctor when she was sent here" he said, as I focused back to the man.  Shu let out a hand, as he spoke.  "Glad to finally meet you. Yui always asked for you" he said, as I gentally shook his hand, feeling a little embarrest from the way I was acting.  I didn't reply and I didn't know why.  It was like he was hypnotizing me for some reason. He walked on the side of me, as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Relax, your going to be fine with us" he said as he continued to walk out, leaving us alone.  I didn't speak for a moment, but I sighed as I faced Reiji again.  "Alright, there's one more of our team that you need to meet" he said as he looked up.  

I looked over, seeing a vampire with a hat and a coat with a fur hood.  He had red hair that hung around his face, and green eyes that looked like Ayato's. I got the same feeling with him, that I did with Shu a moment ago.  This vampire in front of me smiled, as he spoke. "So your Sam" he said, but not as a question.   I looked at him, as he towered over me a little bit.  "Um, yeah" I said, feeling a little intimidated by him.  He smiled as he studied me more.  "Sam, this is Laito. He's not going to do what he did to Yui. Right Laito?" he asked the man.  Laito shrugged as he turned to face Reiji. "I was just playing with her. You know how I am" he said, as he studied Reiji who was standing there with a stern look on his face.  Reiji crossed his arms as he glared at him.  "We need to disscuss our situation, where's Shu?" he asked, as he looked around.  "Shu went to take a nap again" Ayato said, as he made room on the couch for someone to sit.  Reiji sighed as he walked into the hallway. "Make yourself comfortable Sam, I'll go get Shu" he said, as he completley left the room. 

I sighed as I looked down at the ground.  "Why did he mention Yui?" I thought to myself, as I started spacig again.  I was going deeper in spacing out, as a voice snapped me out of it.  "You going to be ok?" Kanato asked, as I glanced at him.  He had a worried look on his face, as he studied me and clenching his bear to his chest.  "Um yeah, I will.  Just very hard right now" I said, with a sigh.  He smiled, as he nodded.  "Well I'm glad.  Teddy is too" he said as he looked at the bear. "Right Teddy?" he asked.  I sighed as I heard someone patting the couch, which caught my attention.  Ayato smiled, as he made some more room.  "There's a spot over here" he said, as he made room.  I sighed as I walked over and sat in between him and Subaru.  I put my hands in my lap, as I studied the floor in thought.  I sat there in silence, just letting my thoughts take over. "They just took a little blood.  What were they doing with it, and why?" I thought to myself, as a hand brushed over my sholder.  "Sam" Ruki's voice echoed in  my head, haunting me as I went deeper into spacing out.  "Sam" the voice said again, making my eyes widden as I snapped back into reality.

"Sam, snap out of it" Subaru said, as he shook my shoulder back and forth.  Quickly, I jolted up to look at him.  He sat there with the rest of them, looking worried again.  "Are you ok?" he asked, as he tried to get me to look at him.  I went back into spacing as I thought of the lab, and the amount of blood that the Mukami's took from me.  What if they found me here? Can I trust some of the Sakamaki's?  "Sam" the echoed voice spoke once more.  "SAM!" someone yelled as I completley snapped out of it.  I looked around fast, seeing worry all over their faces.  "You alright Sam?" Ayato asked, but I knew they were all thinking it.  I nodded as I spoke. "I think so. probably still tired from everything" I said, to cover up from talking about it.  "Alright" Reiji said, as he walked in the room with Shu following him. "I called a meeting to disscuss the situation and figure out what our next move is going to be" he said, as his voice echoed throught the room.

He took a deep breath as he spoke.  "As you know, Sam is turning into a vampire slowley.  She's was refusing blood for a while, but I think she's accepted it now" he said, as he nodded in my direction.  He sighed before he spoke.  "This is going to be dangerous because the Mukami's know about it, and they want to be a part of it."  Reiji stopped when Laito spoke.  "Why do they waht with her, other then her blood?"  Reiji sighed as he spoke. "That's what I'm trying to figure out.  Their plan is different from mine.  My plan is to help her and take care of her from now on.  As for them, I don't know what they want" he said as he looked at me.  "Sam, do you know anyhing?" he asked, when the focus from the six of them was on me.  I started feeling shy from the newcommers, as I spoke.  "I don't remember much, but what I do know is that they took a little blood.  They told me I couldn't leave them for some reason. I don't know much because they didn't tell me anything.  It was like they kept secrets from me."

Shu cleared his voice as he spoke. "They probably didn't want Sam to find out, seeing how we work with her. They probably didn't want us to find out about this." I sat there thinking of what Shu just said. My eyes widdened as I thought to myslelf.  "All they did was took some blood out, it made me pass out.  Then when I was better, they told me I couldn't leave, and they tried to keep me in the room."  Reiji sighed as he spoke. "Is that all you remember?" he asked.  I nodded, not wanting to speek at all. Reiji just studied me without saying anything.  He walked closer to me, as he placed his hand under my chin.  He pushed my head up so I faced him.  I looked into his eyes, scared of what he might do.  "You look pale" he said, as he walked into the kitchen.  He came back a minute later with a cup of blood.  "Here, sip off that" he said, as he gave me the glass.

I took it as I took a sip, letting the delicious blood explode in flavor in my mouth.  I sat back to enjoy it as we continued with the conversation. "Alright, next thing to disscuss.  Are we taking her out of the hospital?" he spoke as he looked around the room.  The room fell silent as everyone looked back and forth amongst each other.  Shu cleared his voice before speaking.  "Well, if we do.  She might have to go back and grab things she needs from home" he said, sounding like he was still in thought.   Subaru looked at Reiji as he spoke strait after Shu. "She said that she wanted to clean up some things at her home."   Reiji nodded as he looked down at the floor.  I didn't know if he was thinking of anything or not.  Finally, he cleared his throat as he spoke.  "Alright, I think if Sam grabs things she needs, it wouldn't be bad, but for the cleaning up, that's where I start to wonder if it's safe."

I sat there in thought about what they were saying.  I looked down at my cup as I swirled the blood within it. I watched as the red liquid splashed on the sides of the glass, as circles formed in the pool.  I studied it, trying to think about what was happening.  "I can't be home anymore" I thought to myself, as I started to space out again.  "Sam" a voice spoke in my mind again.  It wasn't even human, it was more like a ghost whispering on my sholders.  I suddenly started to feel heavier as it spoke again.  "Sam, stop it" the voice said once more, as my sholder started moving.  "Sam" it said one last time, before I finally shapped out completely.  I looked around the room, again seeing everyone staring.  "Maybe you should go back to bed" Subaru sugested as I faced him.  Reiji cleared his voice as he replied strait after.  "Maybe Subaru's right.  You've seem to be having a harder time sleeping now.  It wouldn't be a bad idea" he said, as he stared at me.  I didn't fight, seeing how they knew what was best at the moment.  I got up from my spot, and walked over to the hallway.  "I'll be in my room" I said, as I walked down the hall, and finally into my room.

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