Part 24

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I felt the car jolt to a stop as the engine shut off. A door opened as footsteps walked out of it, and onto gravle that sat outside. A hand was placed on my sholder as it shook me awake. "Sam" a fadded voice spoke, as the hand continued to shake me awake. I moaned a bit as I opened my eyes, seeing Ayato sitting right in front of me. i moaned as I rubbed my eye, then took a stretch, waking up more from the nap. "Where are we?" I asked tiredly, as my vision became more clear, the more I woke up. Ayato sighed as he spoke quietly. "We're at the mantion. Let's get inside before someone comes" he said, as I fully woke up, and started moving from the seat. I stretched once more, before I walked to the door, and hopped out. I looked up at the building that sat in front of me, suprized of what sat in front of me. It was a big manton, that sat strongly in front of us. It was a tall building, that stretched widder than I thought. Green moss covered the walls, as it starte to frame the windows. It was a whiteish color with white trim around the many window's on the front. It had black shutters on the roof. A brown door sat in the doorway, in the middle of the whole thing. One of the window's had a little porch in front of it, which I thought it was some type of bedroom. A fountain with a statue sat directly in front, adding design to the whole place.

I stood there, just stairing at it in surprise. I never seen anything like this before and it almost felt intimidating to be here. I clenched Pancake in my arms, as I patently wait for the Sakamaki's to give me more instructions to enter. Footsteps walked closer to me, as Kanato stood on the right of me. I didn't look or speak, but I noticed by his Teddy in the corner of my eye. I was so amused by the giagantic building, that I didn't think of doing anything else. I heard footsteps as Ayato walked on the other side of me. "Welcome to your new home" he said, with a welcoming tone in his voice. I just sat there, examining the bulding in admusement. "So this is where you all live?" I asked, still looking at the bulding. Shu walked past us as he started for the bulding. "Yes, this is where we first met Yui" Kanato said, as he sighed. I notice Subaru walked more towards the bulding, as Ayato started to go inside. Subaru turned back, as Kanato turned to face me. "Well, aren't you comming in and getting settled?" he asked, snapping me out of my gaze. I looked at him suprized. "Oh sorry. It's just, I've never been in something this nice before" I said, as I started to join him. Kanato walked with me on the side, keeping silent, except for the murmering to his teddy.

T followed Kanato into the bulding as Subaru trailed behind us, and shut the door. My eyes widdened again, as I looked around the entry way. "This is nice" I said, as I continued to walk more into the room. I looked at Kanato as he chuckled a bit. "What?" I asked, confused about it. "Well, I can see you don't go to places like this much" he said between chuckles. I sighed, as I lowered my head to look at the animal. "Sorry, that was rude" I said to him. He shook his head, as he spoke. "No it's fine" he said, as he was interrupted. "You should've seen your sister's face when she came here" Shu spoke, as he walked into another room. I just watched him in silence, not knowing what to say back to him. Reiji entered the room as he huffed. "Sorry Sam. You would like a little tour. Want to check out your room?" he asked, as he looked at me in confusion. I nodded as I followed him up the stairs. I stepped onto the stairway as a dog ran down the stairs, and walked in the room that Shu went in. It was a black and tan dog, but I couldn't see enough of it, to know exactly what it was. I ignored it, as I continued to follow Reiji.

As we walked through the hall, I could feel someone watching us, while we moved through the building. I followed him as we walked to a door, and stopped in front of it. "I had it cleaned last night, fresh sheets and everything done for you" he said, as he unlocked the door. He opened it as he stepped aside and waved me into it. I walked in seeing a pink and purple room, with a full sized bed, that had a thin see through curtain over it. A desk with a mirror was in the same spot on the other side of the room. Strangly I felt confortable all ready, but I didn't know why. "This is going to be your room for now on, seeing how you will be living here. Feel free to go around the mantion exploring. The rooms you can't go in are locked." he took a break from speaking as he sat there in thought.

As he was thinking, a boy walked up to him. He had the same hair color as Reiji. Purple hair that was parted to the side but not in his face. He didn't wear any glasses, but he did have beating red eyes, like Reiji did. A little peak of fang hung out of his mouth when he smiled. He was dressed in a white tee shirt, with dark jeans that was being held by a little belt around his waist. "Welcome home, father" the boy said to Reiji, as he noticed me sitting there. He cracked a welcoming smile, as he nodded respectfully. "Hello young lady" he said, in a respectful tone of voice. I looked at him in confusion as I nodded back. Reiji turned to the kid as he spoke. "Jackson this is Sam. She will be living with us for this moment on" he said as he turned towards me. "Sam. I would like you to meet my son, Jackson." I looked back at Jackson as he grew another welcoming smile upon is face. "Welcome to our mansion. I hope we can all get along." I nodded, feeling a bit uncomfortable about everything. "Thanks for the welcoming" I said to him, as I glanced up at Reiji. He stood there with his arms crossed, just watching me. It was like I was giving them trouble again. I silently gulped, feeling a bit scared at the moment.

Reiji cleared his voice as he turned to the kid. "Jackson. I expect both you and Axel to give Sam her space for now" he said to the kid. Jackson nodded as he shifted in his stance. "I will tell him when I see him. I think he fell asleep again." Reiji nodded as he turned towards me. "Just a heads up, we do have a dog roaming around the house. Don't worry, he's friendly but he's a little strange." I nodded as I sat there in thought. "What would be strange about a dog?" Jackson sighed as he shifted. "Alright, is there anything else?" he asked Reiji, which shook his head. Jackson nodded as he turned to me. "Nice to meet you properly Sam. If you need anything, just come find me. I bet we'll be in the same class together" he said, with a smile. Reiji shifted towards the kid. "Sam is going to stay in the house, resting from her time at the clinic. She's not to leave the mantion until things die down." Jackson nodded once more, as he spoke. "Alright. I'm going the library to do more homework" he said, as he turned to me. "Welcome again. And if you need anything, just find me." With that he was gone to do whatever he was doing. I sighed as I faced Reiji again. "Please follow me to your room" he said as he started to walk up the stairs. I followed him without saying a word.

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