Car drives

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The wind was blowing through my hair as the windows were down and the hot sun glowed on my skin sending me a warm sensation to my chest. I breathed in and turned to my side to look at the beautiful boy in the drivers seat.

Admiring this boy drove me crazy, he begun to turn up the music when Cardi B came on. I giggled at the sight of his floppy hair bopping up and down. His mouth curled up into a smile when he realised I was watching him. He turned so his green/hazel eyes met mine and I swear my heart flipped.

"Hey you creep." He joked.
"Stop you're just too handsome not to stare at." I remarked tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I love when you do that." He smiles.
"Do what?" You ask blushing a little.
"When you tuck your hair back when you're nervous." He says keeping his eye on the road.
"I DO NOT." I protested even when I knew very well that he was right.
"You're cute. Real cute." He turns again to stroke my hair.
"Timothée Hal Chalamet! Stop pissing me off." I laughed lightly punching his shoulder.
"OW that hurt." He pouts.
"Oh shut up Timmy." You snort putting your legs up.
"Hey! You're gonna get my car dirty." He says trying to put my legs down whilst driving.
"Hey! You're gonna get my car dirty." I repeat in a squeaky voice.
He gives me a death glare and looks back at the road.
"I love youuuuuuuuu." I smile profusely kissing him on the cheek.
He doesn't reply.
"Timmmmyyyyy..." I wail.
"Babe." You sigh. You weren't going to deal with this silent treatment.
"Fine then I guess we won't do anything that I planned for tonight." I look out the window.
I heard his throat hitch.
"What was that?" I ask.
"Nothing. Nothing I..." Timmy stumbled.
The little things I could do to turn him on.
"It's fine we can just do something else, watch a movie or something..." I trail.
"No no." He huffs probably wishing he wasn't in the middle of a motorway.
"I love you Y/N." He grins looking at me.
"I love you too Timmy. So much." You smile back.
He moves his right hand from the steering wheel and connects it with yours.
God I'm in love with this man.

Timothée Chalamet ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now